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有这样一道选择题:如果1只羊=2袋米符合等价交换原则,当生产羊的社会劳动生产率降低一半,而生产米的社会劳动生产率提高三倍时,则一只羊可换: A、8袋米 B、6袋米 C、12袋米 D、16袋米 答案应选“D”。因为生产羊的社会劳动生产率降低一半时,则每只羊的价值提高一倍,即1只羊=4袋米。又,生产米的社会劳动生产率提高三倍时,则每袋米的价值只及原来的1/4。(即理解为:米的价值之所以降低到原来的1/4,是因为生产米的社会劳动生产率“提高了”三倍,或“提高到”原来的四倍。)自然,这时一只羊可换16袋米了。 但也还有的学生和教师,未能很好地解决对“提高了”、“增长了”和“增长到”一类表述的准确理解。 数学知识告诉我们,某某劳动生产率或劳动时间提高或增加二倍,应理解为:“提高了二倍”或“提高到”原来的三倍。1992年高考政治题第13题:1双皮鞋=2件上衣符合等价交换原则。当 There is a multiple-choice question: If 1 sheep = 2 bags of rice meets the principle of equal exchange, when the social labor productivity of producing sheep is reduced by half, and the productive labor productivity of rice is tripled, then one sheep can be exchanged: A , 8 bags of rice B, 6 bags of rice C, 12 bags of rice D, 16 bags of rice answer should choose “D”. Because the productivity of the sheep’s social labor is reduced by half, the value of each sheep is doubled, that is, 1 sheep = 4 bags of rice. Moreover, when the social labor productivity of rice is increased three times, the value per bag of rice is only 1/4 of the original value. (Ie understood as: The reason why the value of rice is reduced to 1/4 is because the social labor productivity of rice production has been “improved” by three times, or “increased to four times the original.” Sheep can change 16 bags of rice. However, there are also students and teachers who fail to properly resolve the accurate understanding of the “enhanced,” “growth,” and “growth” expressions. Mathematical knowledge tells us that a certain increase or increase in labour productivity or labor time is twofold: “doubled” or “increased” to three times the original. In 1992, the political entrance examination question 13: 1 pairs of leather shoes = 2 shirts in line with the principle of equivalent exchange. when
提议(making suggestions)是人们日常交际活动中较为常见的话题之一。了解、掌握一些“提议”交际语言,有助于提高英语交际能力及英语测试水平。下面介绍一些有关“提议”的
今年又养了两头水仙。 放在长圆形紫砂盆里,搁在窗前。未调过个。 久闻要削去一些,因不得法,只任其长。 老伴无事时,见有的株被束缚,使用刀予以解放,我也偶一为之。居然从一
’95政治高考压轴的第35和36题,是综合考查考生政治学科能力水准的“标志题”。从思维过程的特点看,第35题是“总、分、总”,第36题则是“连环套”。 一、“总、分、总” 第
(1)若m,k为常数;问m,k满足什么条件时,函数F(x)有最大值?并求出F(x)取得最大值时x的值; (2)是否存在实数对(m,k)同时满足以下两个条件:①k为整数;②使F(x)取得最大值时的x值
合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于累土;千里之行,始于足下。 [出处]《老子》六十四章 [讲解]合抱:一抱粗。毫末:比喻极小。累:积累。全句的意思是:合抱的大树,是从细小的幼
1、这不是教师阅览室,而是学生阅览室。 A.The reading-room,isn’t for teachers or students. B.Tha teading is not for techews.but for students. 析:B对。but在此处是