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随着我国加入WTO,外商投资步伐加快,在注册登记和监管方面将会遇到许多新情况、新问题、新矛盾,如不及时解决,将抑制外资企业的快速发展,影响对外开放的形象。对此,就促进外资企业的设立与发展提出如下建议: 一、进一步鼓励国内自然人出资。《中外合资经营企业法》、《中外合作经营企业法》、《外资企业法》对设立外资企业的投资主体作出明确规定,即允许投资的外方主体有:公司、企业、其他经济组织和个人;允许投资的中方主体有:公司、企业、其他经济组织。由此可见,国内自然人不能成为外资企业的股东。但是重庆的许多优惠政策又为自然人出资开了绿灯,允许国内自然人成为外资企业的股东进入外资领域。尽管如此,目前重庆经济技术开发区还未办理一户自然人与国外投资者合资 With China’s accession to the WTO, the pace of foreign investment is accelerating. Many new situations, new problems and new contradictions in the registration and supervision will be encountered. If not resolved in time, the rapid development of foreign-funded enterprises will be inhibited and the image of opening to the outside world will be affected. In this connection, the following suggestions are made on the promotion of the establishment and development of foreign-funded enterprises: First, encourage domestic natural persons to make further contributions. The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, the Law on Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures and the Law on Foreign-Funded Enterprises clearly stipulate the investors who set up foreign-funded enterprises. The foreign parties that are permitted to invest are: companies, enterprises, other economic organizations and individuals The Chinese entities that allow investment are: companies, enterprises and other economic organizations. This shows that domestic natural persons can not become shareholders of foreign-funded enterprises. However, many preferential policies in Chongqing have also provided green light for natural persons, allowing domestic natural persons to become shareholders of foreign-funded enterprises into the field of foreign investment. In spite of this, at present, Chongqing Economic and Technological Development Zone has not handled a natural person joint venture with foreign investors
本文主要研究了关于Udo Simon猜测中k=4的情形,获得以下主要结果:设ψ:S2→Sn为线性满的极小浸入,若Gauss曲率K满足1/10≤K≤1/6且不是常数,则n=6,且ψ的准线()0至少有2个不同的分
本文以具有良好收敛性质的DY共轭梯度法为主线,研究求解无约束优化问题的共轭梯度法的全局收敛性问题,主要由下面三部分组成。 第一部分,先简要回顾了非线性共扼梯度法的产生