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当今世界由于科技革命的蓬勃发展,生产的国际化和资金的国际化,进一步加深了各国之间互相依存的关系,国际协调是大势所趋。但是事实上,国际贸易不平衡越来越严重,使保护主义的浪潮汹涌澎湃,各国间贸易摩擦层出不穷,特别是日美之间以及美欧之间发生贸易摩擦更加尖锐,随时有爆发一场贸易战的可能。在这种形势下,美国对外关系采取何种战略为全世界所瞩目。本文拟就美国的三大战略作一初步的分析和探讨。一、设法提高产品的国际竞争能力1987年初,里根总统向国会提出《1987年贸易,就业和生产率法案》,为加强和提高美国产品在国际市场上的竞争能力,以迎接国际经济竞争的挑战,提出“一揽子建议”。综合其内容有以下几个重点:(1)增加对人力和知识的投资;(2)促进科学技术的发展,特别是加强应用科学的研究;(3)加强对知识产权(包括专利、版权和商标等)的保护; In today’s world, thanks to the vigorous development of the scientific and technological revolution, the internationalization of production and the internationalization of funds further deepen the interdependence of all countries and international coordination is the dominant trend. However, in fact, the growing imbalance of international trade has brought about a surge of protectionist waves and an endless stream of trade frictions among countries. In particular, the trade frictions between Japan and the United States and between the United States and Europe have become even more acute with the outbreak of a trade at any time War may be. Under such circumstances, what kind of strategy the U.S. foreign relations has adopted has attracted worldwide attention. This article intends to make a preliminary analysis and discussion on the three major U.S. strategies. I. Trying to Improve the International Competitiveness of Products At the beginning of 1987, President Reagan proposed the 1987 Bill on Trade, Employment and Productivity to the Congress. In order to strengthen and enhance the competitiveness of U.S. products in the international market so as to meet the challenge of international economic competition, Put forward a “package proposal.” The contents of the report are summarized as follows: (1) Increase investment in human resources and knowledge; (2) Promote the development of science and technology, especially the application of applied science; (3) Strengthen the research on intellectual property (including patents, Trademarks, etc.) protection;
这个女人婚后一年,公公遇难,丈夫病逝,18岁开始守寡并守节终身,因为没有留下一儿半女而无法进入夫家祖坟。而在另一方面,她将一个行将倒闭的商业大厦建成商业帝国;因捐资助饷被慈禧封为“一品诰命夫人”;因广济百姓在关中地区传为佳话。  这就是曾富甲一方的陕西女首富——周莹。  周莹:升级版的“小燕子”  继《甄嬛传》《芈月传》塑造了耳熟能详的经典女性角色之后,孙俪再次挑大梁演绎的女性成长传奇大剧《那年花
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