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高校体育运动是开展素质教育的重要一环,是提高大学生身体素质的必由之路,也是大学生整体素质提高的重要保证。近年来,随着高校不断扩招,大学生在校人数不断增加,随之而来的是体育运动伤害事故也日益增加,这些伤害事件成为高校经营发展过程中的问题所在。本文针对我国高校体育运动伤害及与社会保险机制间存在的问题进行探讨,认为当前我国高校体育领域普遍存在保险意识不强、高校体育风险管控能力欠缺、缺少适应高校体育发展的保险产品等问题,高校体育应将体育保险纳入防范体育运动伤害风险的社会保障机制并成为重要组成部分,并提出了加强保险行业宣传、增强和培养体育保险意识、创新体育保险产品、完善体育保险体系、支持推出适应高校的体育商业保险等措施,以期为高校体育运动伤害社会保险机制的完善提供参考建议。 College physical education is an important part of carrying out quality education and the only way to improve college students’ physical fitness. It is also an important guarantee for improving the overall quality of college students. In recent years, with the continuous expansion of college enrollment, college students continue to increase the number of attendant, followed by an increasing number of sports injuries, these injuries have become the business management of colleges and universities in the process of problems. In this paper, the author discusses the problems existing in sports injury and the social insurance mechanism in colleges and universities in our country. The author thinks that there are many problems in the field of college physical education, such as the weak awareness of insurance, the lack of ability to control and control sports risks in colleges and universities, the lack of insurance products to adapt to the development of college sports, Physical education in colleges and universities should incorporate sports insurance into the social security mechanism to prevent sports injury risk and become an important part of the sports education. It also proposes to strengthen the publicity of the insurance industry, enhance and cultivate the awareness of sports insurance, innovate the sports insurance products, perfect the sports insurance system and support the introduction of adaptation College commercial sports insurance and other measures, with a view to providing suggestions for the improvement of social insurance system for sports injury in colleges and universities.
一、选题的意义、价值和理论支持  1.选题的意义、价值  小组合作学习是一种富有创意的课堂教学组织形式,它以合作学习小组为基本形式,利用教学中动态因素之间互动,促进学生的学习,以团体成绩为评价标准,共同达成教学目标的活动。通过合作学习,能弥补个人思维狭小单一的缺陷,培养学生多角度思考问题、分析问题的能力。能充分给予每个学生展示自我和锻炼自己的机会;能增强学生学习的自信心,培养学生的合作精神和交往能
摘 要:作为经济活动基本要素的土地也是社会财富的必要组成部分,在土地流转过程中要解决的主要矛盾就是土地流转参与各方的“利益”分配问题。经济稀缺性引起建设用地的快速升值,使得农民集体及其成员维护自身土地权益意识日趋强烈,因此,实现集体建设用地的市场化流转及流转收益的合理分配,已经成为在土地流转问题中迫切需要解决的一个问题。  关键词:农村;集体建设用地;土地流转;收益  中图分类号:F321.1 文