
来源 :电子器件 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luanwf
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红外探测器是用来探测红外信号的光电转换器件,它的种类繁多,非本征激发红外探测器就是其中一大类.早在50年代,人们就开始了对Ge和Si杂质光电导的研究.鉴于当时的技术条件,人们把研究重点转移到掺杂Ge红外探测器的研究,取得了一系列的成果.最突出的例子就是1962年制作了Ge:Hg,这种掺杂材料具有0.9ey电高能级,容易生产,重复性好,用做8—13μm大气窗口灵敏探测器达10年之久.进入70年代后,随着大规模集成电路的发展,人们又重新开始了掺杂Si探测器的研究.这是因为大规模集成技术使探测器可以和电路元件一体化,同时在Si基片中已经可以获得比较高的杂质浓度,这样就可得到性能优越的掺杂Si红外探测器,目前在这方面的研究已逐步完善.本文简叙与非本征激发红外探测器有关的基本理论,并就掺杂Ge和Si红外探测器的工作特性做些介绍和讨论. Infrared detectors are used to detect infrared signals photoelectric conversion device, its wide range, extrinsic excitation infrared detectors is one of the major categories.As early as the 50s, people began to Ge and Si impurity photoconductivity In view of the technical conditions prevailing at the time, people have shifted their research to Ge doped infrared detectors and made a series of achievements, the most prominent example being Ge: Hg made in 1962 with a doping content of 0.9ey High energy level, easy to produce, good repeatability, used as 8-13μm atmospheric window sensitive detector for 10 years into the 70’s, with the development of large-scale integrated circuits, people began again doped Si detection This is because large-scale integration allows the detector to be integrated with the circuit elements, and at the same time, a relatively high impurity concentration can already be obtained in the Si substrate, so that a highly-doped doped Si infrared detector can be obtained, At present, the research in this area has been gradually improved.This paper briefly describes the basic theory related to extrinsic excitation infrared detectors, and introduces and discusses the working characteristics of doped Ge and Si infrared detectors.
Abstract: Semantics is about the study of meaning. In the field of semantics, componential analysis is an indisapensable approach to the study of meaning which analyses a lexeme into a set of sense co
在注As硅中观察到7个深能级谱峰.CO_2激光退火是消除离子注入引入的深能级缺陷的有效方法.消除深能级缺陷的功率密度范围为 350W/cm~2-600W/cm~2与注入杂质激活的功率密度范
在1.5μm波长下,证实了9信道单模光栅波分复用法。装置的插入损耗低至1.5dB。芯-芯间隙为36μm的光纤阵列可作信道集成器用,产生的信道间隔为20(?)、信道宽度为2(?)。 At 1.
义乌市佛堂镇位于浙江省中部,义乌市南部,距中国小商品城10公里。区域面积134.1平方公里,镇辖106个行政村,3个居 The town of Yiwu is located in the central part of Zhej