Problems of Writing in English

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  【Abstract】Writing is one of the most important skills that learners of English have to master, but it is difficult for them to master this skill. They often make mistakes while writing. This article suggests the reasons for these mistakes that occur frequently in the essays or reports of the learners and the ways of avoiding them.
  【Key words】Error; Misunderstanding; Grammatical confusion; Concord
  Learners of English usually find that writing is one of the most important skills they have to master. The majority of native speakers of English have to make an effort to write accurately and effectively even on those subjects which they know very well. The non-native learner, then is trying to do something that the ordinary native speaker often finds difficult himself.
  It may prove helpful, therefore, if I outline the two main types of error the learner of English is likely to make,I will also try to suggest the reasons for these errors and ways of avoiding them.
  Firstly , and most seriously, there is the type of error which leads to misunderstanding. And such mistakes are numerous. And here I’ll be able to cover the most important ones.
  Perhaps the most frequent cause of such mistakes is the use of:
  Unfortunately , translation is a difficult art which cannot be performed by one word to one word matching process .Students , however , often work out a sentence in their own language and then try to translate it in this way. The result is that the reader can not understand what the student has written. The individual word or phrase may make sense, but the sentence as a whole makes nonsense.Therefore the student should always try to employ sentence patterns which , he knows, are correct English. Usually these patterns will be the simple ones he learnt in the earlier stages of his first English course. As he extends his knowledge of grammar through formal learning, through wide reading and through his contact with native English speakers, he’ll be able to use a large number of such sentence patterns. Eventually he should aim to cut out translation altogether. He should, in fact, try to think in English.This is rarely possible in the earlier stages, however.
  But it’ s not the grammar which suffers when translation is employed. The voca-bulary may suffer, too. The use of translation dictionaries, unless they are very good and used with extreme care , may make errors more probable.Another factor that is at work here is as follows:   Very often those students who come from a non English speaking country mis- use English words which have a same form to those in their language. A French-man, for example, expects the French word “braver” to mean the same as the English word “braver”. Unfortunately it does not. You see, the word“braver”is a transitive verb in French, it means “offence”in its tongue;while in its English meaning, it is the comparative degree of the word brave, though it is spelt by the same letters.
  2. Grammatical confusion
  Another very important cause of such a mistake in written work is the tendency to confuse grammatical pat-terns which are similar in form but different in meaning. For example, “used to”and“be used to”, he may write“Men are used to believing in their superiority over women.”instead of“Men used to believing in their superiority over women.”These two patterns look similar but have completely different meanings. For, you see, these two patterns are often confused. The phrase “used to”expresses a past habitual action and only has the past form as:
  He used to smoke 50 cigarettes a day.
  It can never be used in a sentence denoting to the present nor the future. We can not say:
  We used to get up tomorrow morning.
  While “to be used to”can often be found in the present, past and future tenses . For instance:
  Was Tom is used to the climate in Beijing.
  Will be another difference between them is that the former has no variants; while the latter can have such variants as “to get used to”, “to become used to” etc.
  3. Sentence length
  A third cause is that the students may choose to write sentences which are too long and too complex in-stead of those simpler ones; which he can handle more easily . Many students seem to think that simplicity is suspect. It is, on the contrary, a quality which is much ad-mired in English. Most readers understand that a difficult subject can only be written up simply if the writer understands it very well. A student should, therefore , organize all his points very carefully before he starts to write. He should do as much as possible before he writes . In this way he can concentrate on the construction of his sentence. A rough but useful rule that students should always bear in mind is that:
  Never write a sentence more than three lines in length. The longer the sentence is, the greater, of course ,is the chance of the writer making mistakes and failing to connect with the meaning. The writer should also try to avoid sentences which have too many subordinate clauses.   4. Sentences incomplete
  Conversely , sometimes they may make sentences that are too short and incomplete . His sentences, for instance ,may lack a subject or a verb. For example:
  (1)The students in class one are more than in class two. Here the subject “those” after“ than” is omitted.
  (2)Where is Tom? He at home.
  And here the link verb “is” is omitted .
  The second main type of error is the error , although it may rarely lead to a mistake in meaning , often irritates and sometimes may mislead the reader . The followings are often found in the writing by the careless writers:
  1. The wrong selection of verb tenses frequently falls into this kind of error. The student who writes, “Before the Second World War, Einstein has written his great book. ”makes a mistake which does not interfere with the meaning. Often students make such grammatical mistakes. And if he can be careful he can correct them himself.
  2. The errors in concord
  The subject and the verb do not agree, for instance.
  Eg: John with his mother are in Milan.
  He may neglect that the prepositional phrase“with his mother” is only used adverbially as he writes.
  3. Errors in word order
  The adverb has been placed in the wrong position.
  Eg: We often work hard and always are busy in-deed.
  4. Errors in article usage
  He knows “an umbrella” ,so he uses“an red umbrella”, sometimes he can hardly tell the difference between the phrases “out of the question”and“out of question” , which are quite different in meaning, as we know.
  5. Errors in the omission of a preposition
  Let us take an infinitive used to modify a noun as an example. the relationship between the modified noun and the infinitive comes out the use of a verb and an object in logic. Then there is the problem on how to use an infinitive with the preposition properly.
  Compare with the following two examples:
  A. He has a book to read.
  B. He has a pen to write.
  In sentence A, the usage “to read a book”is right, for we can say to “read a book”, so the phrase “a book to read” is used. While we do not say “to write a pen”. So the preposition “with” must be added to the end of the sentence B to make it complete.
  Mistakes like this are often found, and ignored by the learners of English if they are not careful enough. All these errors occur frequently in the work of the student studying English when he writes his essays or reports. When he writes he should prepare several drafts. Each draft should be checked for the above points. If a student finds that he makes one type of mistake more often than others , he should double check for that particular error.
【摘要】培养以“全面发展的人”为核心的教育理念成为新时代课程改革的显著特征。英语课堂小组活动有效地改变了教学方式和学习方式,促进学生主动学习、学会学习、学会交流、乐于合作、大胆创新、和谐发展。  【关键词】课堂活动;小组;策略  【作者简介】马玉萍(1967.11- ),女,汉族,甘肃兰州人,甘肃省兰州外国语学校,中学英语,高级教师,硕士。  小组活动(group work)是英语课堂教学实践中常
生认知过程中,预习导入,课堂讲授,作业讲评是常规一条龙的教学程序。作业讲评是单元收官之作。之后进行综合知识考查。但考查结果显示,总有一些同学对知识掌握不全,思维习惯不好,文化品格理解不到位,最终造成语言知识和各种能力欠缺。自然,这就是核心素养的培养没有到位。观作业讲评课,导出师生教学问题,找出问题,才能做到核心素养培养各就各位。  一、教育的公平性已然成行  乍看这个话题有点大,但它是課堂常有的问
【摘要】对混合式教学模式在中学英语课堂中的应用进行研究,能够有效提高中学英语课堂教学的质量。基于此,本文将对混合式教学在中学英语课堂教学中的应用优势进行介绍,并对混合式教学在中学英语课堂中的应用进行研究,其中主要包括在英语听说教学课堂中的应用、在英语阅读课堂中的应用、在英语写作课堂中的应用三方面内容。  【关键词】混合式教学;中学英语课堂;写作教学  【作者简介】胡局香,山东省曲阜师范大学附属中学
【摘要】本文以“产出导向法”为理论基础,探讨了大学英语教学现存的核心问题及改进方向。通过展示校本英语语言文化类课程中的一堂完整章节的教学设计和课堂示例,呈现在“产出导向法”视野下的大学英语教学课程改革的前进方向,为改善大学英语教学提供一个新的视角。  【关键词】产出导向法;大学英语教学;文化  【作者简介】张姝,西华师范大学。  一、引言  根据《大学英语课程教学要求》(2007),《大学英语》是
【摘要】兴趣是所有学习获得动力的开端。小学英语教学备受人们关注,如何激活英语课堂,是值得小学英语老师深入研究的问题。本文作者在激活英语课堂的实践方面另辟蹊径,利用英语歌曲来强化听力训练,强化词汇学习,搭配教材中的图画,使小学生对英语学习兴趣盎然。  【关键词】小学英语;课堂实践,歌曲运用;探索  【作者简介】苏会娟,河北省隆尧县教师发展中心。  随着社会的不断发展,英语教学特别是小学英语越来越受到
【摘要】自核心素养育人理念推出以来,其与学科融合度逐渐增强,引导教师在高效落实教学目标同时,关注培养学生核心素养方略,使学生在课堂教学过程中,掌握更多终身受用的知识与技能。本文通过研究英语学科核心素养在初中英语课堂教学过程中的设计方略,以期为提高初中英语教学质量提供依据。  【关键词】英语学科;核心素养;初中英语课堂;教学设计  【作者简介】蔡梨梨,福建省石狮市华侨中学。  在《中学英语新课程标准
【摘要】对分课堂是复旦大学张学新教授提出的一种大学课堂教学新模式。本文探讨了微课辅助的大学英语对分课堂的教学模式特征,提出了微课辅助的大学英语对分课堂的教学模式应用。  【关键词】微课辅助;大学英语;对分课堂  【作者简介】陈伟,武汉设计工程学院商学院。  一、对分课堂的内涵  对分课堂,顾名思义就是将课堂对半平分讲授,课堂的前半部分由教师授课,后半部分交给学生自由交流讨论。对分课堂又称作PDA课
【摘要】在小学英语教学中,有效设计教学情景并将其运用于课堂中可极大地提升教学效率。本文即以pep四年级下册unit3 第四课时教学为例,对英语教学的情景进行设计。  【关键词】英语教学;情景设计;pep四年级下册;unit3;第四课时  【作者简介】祁渊博,青田县温溪镇第四小学。  本课内容为PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit3第四课时“let’s talk,let’s play”,经过对教研的认真
【摘要】在高中英语教学活动中,多媒体技术得到了广泛的应用,既提升了教学质量,又提升了教学效率。新课改背景下,传统教学方式已经不能够适应教学要求,老师必须要实现教学方法的创新,而利用多媒体技术,则是创新的一个手段。本文就结合教学实际,对多媒体技术在高中英语教学中的应用问题进行分析论述。  【关键词】多媒体技术;高中英语;教学应用  【作者简介】刘红艳,陕西省西安市西咸新区黄冈泾河中学。  传统课堂中
【摘要】应用文翻译是高职英语教学中的一项重要内容,对于培养学生的英语综合应用能力具有十分积极的意义。本文简要分析了目前高职英语应用文翻译教学中存在的主要问题,并详细地探讨了具体的改进策略,希望能够有效提升高职英语的教学质量水平。  【关键词】高职院校;英语教学;应用文翻译;策略探讨  【作者简介】李蔚(1984.9- ),女,云南保山人,保山中医药高等专科学校,硕士研究生,讲师,研究方向为高校英语