
来源 :湖北招生考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l441060226
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恢复高考30年,人们再一次将目光聚集在高考制度上,有人盛赞30年来高考推动我国社会发展的丰功伟绩,有人以专业的眼光评述高考的得与失,也有人挑剔高考的是是非非,并主张废除高考。有没有人知道亲历过高考洗礼的大学生们如何看待高考,他们又是怎么想,怎么说的?本研究用实证的方法,对在校大学生如何评价高考的问题进行了抽样调查,以期在以科学发展观为指导下的高考改革能更多地关注考生的需要与利益,使我国的高考更加科学化和人性化。调查结果显示,大学生对高考制度给予了充分的肯定;社会发展需要高考,个人发展也需要高考;高考功利性太强,教育性不足;高考改革的重点是录取制度,其次是考试内容和考试方法。 After resuming the college entrance examination for 30 years, people once again focused their attention on the college entrance examination system. Some people praised the achievements of the college entrance examination to promote social development in China in the past 30 years. Some people commented on the merits and demerits of the college entrance examination with a professional eye, and others criticized the merits of the college entrance examination. Advocate to abolish the college entrance examination. Does anyone know how college students who have taken the baptismal baptism to the college entrance examinations think about the college entrance examination and how do they think about it? This study uses an empirical method to conduct a sample survey on how college students evaluate the college entrance examination in order to use science. The reform of college entrance examination under the guidance of the development concept can pay more attention to the needs and interests of candidates and make the college entrance examination more scientific and humanistic. The survey results show that college students fully affirmed the college entrance examination system; social development requires college entrance examinations; personal development also requires college entrance examinations; college entrance exams are too utilitarian and lack of education; college entrance examination reform focuses on the admission system, followed by examination content and examination methods. .
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