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各种污染对象的常用消毒方法(试行)1.地面、墙壁、门窗:用0.2%-0.5%过氧乙酸溶液或500mg/L~1000mg/L二溴海因溶液或1000mg/L~2000mg/L有效氯含氯消毒剂溶液喷雾。泥土墙吸液量为150m1/m2~300m1/m2,水泥墙、木板墙、石灰墙为100m1/m2。对上述各种墙壁的喷洒消毒剂溶液不宜超过其吸液量。地面消毒先由外向内喷雾一次,喷药量为200m1/m2~300m1/m2待室内消毒完毕后,再由内向外重复喷雾一次。以上消毒处理,作用时间应不少于60min。2.空气:房屋经密闭后,每立方米用15%过氧乙酸溶液7m1(1g/m3),放置瓷或玻璃器皿中加热蒸发,薰蒸2h,即可开门窗通风。或以2%过氧乙酸溶液(8m1/m3)气溶胶喷雾消毒,作用30min~60min。3.衣服、被褥:耐热、耐湿的纺织品可煮沸消毒30min,或用流通蒸汽消毒30min,或用250mg/L~500mg/L有效氯的含氯消毒剂浸泡30min;不耐热的毛衣、毛毯、被褥、化纤 Commonly used disinfection methods of various contaminated objects (for trial implementation) 1. Ground, walls, windows and doors: with 0.2% -0.5% peracetic acid solution or 500mg / L ~ 1000mg / L dibromohydrin solution or 1000mg / L ~ 2000mg / L Effective chlorine chlorine disinfectant solution spray. Absorption capacity of the soil wall 150m1 / m2 ~ 300m1 / m2, cement wall, wood wall, lime wall 100m1 / m2. The various types of wall spraying disinfectant solution should not exceed the amount of liquid absorption. The first disinfection of the ground by the external spray once, spray volume 200m1 / m2 ~ 300m1 / m2 to be disinfected indoor after repeated spray again from the inside out. The above disinfection, the role of time should not be less than 60min. 2. Air: After the house is sealed, 15ml per liter of peracetic acid solution 7m1 (1g / m3), placed porcelain or glassware heating evaporation, fumigation 2h, you can open the doors and windows ventilation. Or 2% peracetic acid solution (8m1 / m3) aerosol spray disinfection, the role of 30min ~ 60min. 3. Clothes, bedding: heat-resistant, moisture-resistant textiles can be boiled disinfection 30min, or steam sterilization 30min, or with 250mg / L ~ 500mg / L of chlorine chlorine disinfectant soak 30min; heat-resistant sweaters, blankets , Bedding, chemical fiber
在最近的北京通信展上,中兴通讯新推出数据卡、模块、Ufi(Mobile Hotspot)全系列LTE终端,4G终端第一次一起亮相。一起展出的还有3G智能终端,包括MID、Hotspot、Android2.2手
Theinfectionanditsmanagement AhighproportionofhepatitisBvirus (HBV )infections ,whichleadtochronicityratherthanbeingresolved ,areinfectionsoccuringatbirthorear
卢苇菁所著《矢志不渝:明清时期的贞女现象》(以下简称为《矢志不渝》,英文原著名为True to the Word:The Faithful Maiden Cult in Late Imperial China),于2008年由斯坦福
一、文化建设是一只“看得见的手” 在经济学中,市场机制被认为是一只“看不见的手”,市场机制在社会经济生活中无形地起作用,时时刻刻起作用,使资源按经济效益进行配置。那