“酒后文章多狂气,茶余下笔始清新。”机关代笔业余撰稿,免不了借助香茗提神清脑。然每每品茗入神之时,却又信手把玩起茶杯来。于是就有了今天这个话题。 走出校门参加工作那年,得机会赴省城。怀揣着一个月的薪水,底气十足地在商场徜徉,琳琅满目的商品令人眼花缭乱。最终,我被商场里那幅“磁化水,生命之水!”的广告感动了,心甘情愿地掏出半月薪水,购买了一个黄色磁化杯。 回到单位,我刻意把黄色磁化杯放在办公桌上最醒目的位置。同事赏杯问价,我赶忙说:“不贵,不贵,半个月薪水。”面对同事欣羡的目光,我大大方方
“More drunk post-drunk articles, the rest of the tea is fresh and fresh.” Organizations on behalf of the amateur writer, inevitably help refreshing brain with fragrant tea. However, when the tea is often inscribed, but believe it playing cup. So there is this topic today. Out of school to work that year, have the opportunity to go to the provincial capital. With a month’s salary, emboldened in shopping maudhais, dazzling array of products dazzling. Eventually, I was moved by the ad in the mall, “Magnetized Water, Water for Life!”, Willingly pulled out a half-yearly salary and bought a yellow magnetizing cup. Back to the unit, I deliberately placed the yellow magnetized cup on the most prominent position on the desk. Colleagues appreciate the cup asking price, I quickly said: “not expensive, not expensive, half a month salary.” Facing my colleague envy eyes, I am generous