
来源 :山西财经学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsydyn
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四月六日、七日两个晚上,山西财经学院学生经济研究会组织了一次研讨会,就股份制、租赁制、税制改革等三个问题进行了探讨。现将观点综述如下:一、关于股份制问题:一种观点认为,目前我国国营大中型企业实行股份制是完善企业经营机制、解决两权分离的最佳形式。因为:①股份制的出现是以社会化大生产为基础的商品经济的。般规律,并非资本王义的“特产”,所以我国股份制的出现也是必然的;②股份制的实行有利于集中社会闲散资金,促使企业行为合理化,利于产业结构和价格体系的合理化、提高劳动生产率,利于社会主义各种经济成份的互相融合;③股份制能 On April 6 and on the 7th and the 2th, a seminar was organized by the Student Economic Research Institute of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics to discuss three issues of shareholding system, leasing system and tax system reform. Now the viewpoints are summarized as follows: I. About the shareholding system: One view is that at present, the implementation of the shareholding system by large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises in our country is the best way to perfect the business operation mechanism and resolve the separation of the two rights. Because: ① The emergence of the joint-stock system is based on the socialization of large-scale production of commodity economy. The emergence of joint-stock system in our country is also inevitable; ② The implementation of the joint-stock system is conducive to the concentration of idle funds in the society, rationalization of corporate behavior, rationalization of industrial structure and price system, improvement of labor productivity, Conducive to the integration of various economic elements of socialism; ③ joint-stock can
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