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学生作文,历来是教师出题目,学生写文章,从古代科举取士,到今天考试选人,莫不如此。诚然,由于命题作文固有的限制性的特点和好的命题具有一定启发性,能选拔、培养一些优秀人才,写出一些好的文章,但是也因为命题作文限制性的局限和脱离学生实际的严重弊端,往往在一个法定的划一的题目面前,埋没或压抑了众多优秀文章和人才,也是不可否认的事实。随着社会生活日益现代化,随着教育“三面向”指导方针的提出,形势越来越要求语文教学更注重学生智力的开发,培养创造型人才。为此,在研究作文教改的很多重大课题的时候,首先改变作文的命题方式,逐步把作文的命题权放给学生,由单一的教师统一命题,“逼着学生硬写”,转到由教师启发学生自拟题“诱导他们愿写”,我认为是极为重要而又切实可行的。它有四点好处: The student essay has always been a teacher’s topic. Students write articles, and from the ancient imperial examinations, to today’s exam selection, this is not the case. It is true that the inherent restrictive features and good propositions of propositional writing are somewhat enlightening, they can select and train some excellent talents, and write some good articles, but also because of the restrictive limitations of the propositional composition and the seriousness that separates students from reality. Disadvantages, often in the face of a statutory and uniform topic, buried or suppressed many excellent articles and talents, is also undeniable fact. With the increasing modernization of social life and with the introduction of the “three-faceted” guidelines for education, the situation has increasingly required that Chinese language teaching pay more attention to the development of students’ intelligence and cultivate creative talents. To this end, when studying many major topics in composition education reform, we must first change the propositional approach of the composition and gradually release the propositional authority of the composition to the students. The unified propositions of the single teacher “force the students to write hard” and transfer to the teacher. Inspiring students to write their own questions “inducing them to write”, I think it is extremely important and practical. It has four advantages:
“月到中秋分外明”。今天是中秋节,这节日之夜,差不多每家每户都在月光下,吃月饼,赏月。我家也不例外。月亮刚一出来,我就端着小竹凳坐在皎洁的月光下。(开篇扣 "From the
下面出的是湖南、河南人民出版社出版的一本中学初一年级暑假作业中的一个习题。 世界名题:一牧场长满青草,27头牛六星期可以吃完,或者23头牛九星期可以吃完,若是21头牛,要几