
来源 :考试与评价·八年级版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bj4587
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  How long are you staying?
  —How long are you staying? 你將停留多久呢?
  —Four weeks. 四个星期。
  —May I ask what brought you here? 请问你为什么来这儿呢?
  —Im here on business. 我是出公差而来。
  —What line of business are you in? 你从事什么行业呢?
  —I import canned food. 我进口罐头食品。
  在英文中问“频率”不能用“How long...”,因为“How long...”是表示“持久的一段时间”。像公共汽车这种每隔一段时间开一班,有“频率”含义的“多久”就得用“How often...”来表示。
  —How often does the bus come? 公共汽车多久来一班呢?
  —Every ten minutes. 每十分钟。
  If you dont mind, Id rather you didnt.
  —Do you mind if I open the window? 如果我打开窗户你介意吗?
  —If you dont mind, Id rather you didnt. I have a cold and feel chilly. 如果你不介意,我真希望不要那样做。因为我感冒了,觉得有点冷。
  —Oh, thats too bad. Should I call a doctor? 哦,真糟糕。要我打电话请医生来吗?
  —Ill appreciate it if you will. 如果你这样做我会很感激你。
  —OK. 好吧。
  If you dont mind, Id rather you didnt. 如果你不介意,我真希望不要那样做。
  If you dont mind, Id rather (that) you didnt open the window.
  =I wish (that) you wouldnt open the window.
一、单项选择。  1. The English dictionary is an important ____. It can help us learn English better.  A. tool B. promise C. talent D. information  2. I ____ an invitation to the concert. I can't wait to go.
最近,《考试与评价》的编辑们接到许多咨询有关英语发音问题的电话。  来自连云港的王永杰同学打来电话,他说自己的英語语音很不准,一回答问题同学们就笑。每次遇到这种情况,自己都觉得非常尴尬,他问如何才能读准英语的发音。  要想学好英语,正确的英语读音非常重要。它就像一个门面,装点着学习者的语言形象。语音的准确与否和单词的拼写、词义的理解、思想的表达,甚至语法都有紧密的关系。一个人如果语音不准,不仅自己
【考点聚焦】  一、概念  短语动词是指英语中有些动词和其他词类一起连用,构成一个固定词组,可看成一个整体,相当于一个单独的动词,这种组合称之为短语动词。短语动词的搭配可分为六种基本类型。  二、分类及用法  考点1:动词+介词  动词与介词构成的短语相当于一个及物动词,其宾语位置比较固定,一般都位于介词之后。常见的此类介词有for, about, of, after, from, into, t
(A)  The old shoes brought him so much trouble and Johnny decided to throw them away. He went to the rubbish pit (垃圾坑) outside the city and threw the old shoes into it, “Now they cant bring me more tr
Can you find these words in the grid? They have been written forwards, backwards, upwards, downwards and diagonally, but always in a straight line. Find them out and read them with the proper pronunci
(A)  Mike loved ships. When he was older, he said, “Im going to be a soldier.” But his eyes were not very 1 , and he did not get in.  Then he said, “Im going to 2 a small boat and Im going to trave
【考点梳理】  考点1. 动词不定式作宾语  (1) 在动词want, hope, would like, decide, wish, choose, try, need等后常用动词不定式作宾语。  (2) think, find, feel, make后连接it + adj. + to do sth.構成“形式宾语+真实宾语”的用法。  考点2. 动词不定式作宾补  (1) 带to的不定式作宾补
Hello, everyone! Welcome to Beijing. Im a tour guide and my name is Zhang Lin. Im very glad to be your guide for the next two days. Now let me tell you about our trip.  This morning we are going to th
【试题重现】 (保留原题号)  (B) Please read the following passage, and fill in the blanks with suitable words according to the given letters or the context, using one word for each blank. 请阅读下面的短文,并根据所给字母或内容提示在空格
Mike was proud to wear the uniform of a bus driver. He felt good when he helped people. And he liked driving all around the town and the countryside. He wasnt a big man, but he was one of the best bus