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目的研究豚鼠Ⅱ型前庭毛细胞乙酰胆碱(acetylcholine,ACh)敏感性钾电流对钙离子的依赖性。方法应用全细胞膜片钳技术研究新鲜单离的豚鼠Ⅱ型前庭毛细胞ACh-敏感性钾电流在细胞内外钙离子浓度改变时其电流幅值的变化。结果①细胞外ACh激活一缓慢持久的外向性钾电流,其反转电位为(-70±10)mV;②ACh-敏感性钾电流电流对细胞外四乙胺(10mmol/L)敏感,而对细胞外4-氨基吡啶(100μmol/L)不敏感;③ACh-敏感性钾电流的幅值大小依赖于细胞外的钙离子浓度,无钙外液中ACh激活一很小的电流,4mmol/L外钙溶液中ACh-敏感性钾电流的幅值达到最大值,而0·5mmol/L外钙溶液中ACh-敏感性钾电流的幅值抑制至(36·5±6·5)%;④细胞内三磷酸肌醇-钙离子释放过程不参与ACh-敏感性钾电流的激活,细胞内透析肝素8mg/ml后30min,ACh-敏感性钾电流的幅值没有明显改变;⑤ACh敏感性钾电流对钙通道阻断剂Cd2+敏感。结论豚鼠Ⅱ型前庭毛细胞ACh-敏感性钾电流的激活依赖于细胞外的钙离子浓度,ACh与豚鼠Ⅱ型前庭毛细胞胆碱能受体结合后,首先激活膜上钙通道引起细胞外钙离子内流,毛细胞内游离钙离子浓度的升高进一步激活钙依赖性钾电流。 Objective To study the calcium ion dependence of acetylcholine (ACh) sensitive potassium current in guinea pig type Ⅱ vestibular hair cells. Methods The whole cell patch clamp technique was used to study the change of current amplitude of ACh-sensitive K + currents in freshly isolated guinea pig type Ⅱ vestibular hair cells with changes of intracellular Ca 2+ concentration. RESULTS: (1) Extracellular ACh activated a slow and sustained outward potassium current (-70 ± 10) mV; (2) ACh-sensitive potassium currents were sensitive to extracellular tetraethylammonium (10mmol / L) (100μmol / L); (3) The amplitude of ACh-sensitive potassium currents depended on the concentration of extracellular calcium, and ACh-activated extracellular currents The amplitude of ACh-sensitive potassium current in calcium solution reached the maximum, while the amplitude of ACh-sensitive potassium current in 0.5 mmol / L Ca (superscript 2+) solution was inhibited to (36.5 ± 6.5)%. Inositol triphosphate - calcium release process is not involved in ACh-sensitive potassium current activation, intracellular hemodialysis 8mg / ml after 30min, ACh-sensitive potassium current amplitude did not change significantly; ⑤ ACh sensitive potassium current The calcium channel blocker Cd2 + is sensitive. Conclusion The activation of ACh-sensitive potassium current in type Ⅱ vestibular hair cells in guinea pigs depends on the extracellular calcium concentration. After ACh binds to the cholinergic receptor of type Ⅱ vestibular hair cells in guinea pigs, activation of extracellular calcium Ionic influx, intracellular free calcium concentration in the plasma further activation of calcium-dependent potassium current.
少年型脊肌萎缩症(spinal muscular atrophy,SMA)是脊肌萎缩症的一个亚型,由Kugelberg Welander(1956年)首次报道,是一种常染色体隐性遗传性疾病,临床少见,容易与肌营养不良
目的 探讨胃液潜血检查辅助判断食管胃底静脉曲张破裂出血时使用三腔二囊管压迫止血的效果.方法 收集32例食管胃底静脉曲张破裂出血患者,经三腔二囊管压迫止血,生理盐水反复
目的探讨45例桥小脑角脑膜瘤的手术治疗体会。方法回顾性分析我们自1988年 10月至2003年3月间手术治疗的45例桥小脑角脑膜瘤。结果肿瘤全切12例,近全切22例,部分切除11例,死
采用鸟枪法破译大肠杆菌O23标准株的O-抗原基因簇序列,并用生物信息学的方法进行了基因析;采用基因缺失和互补的方法鉴定了O23的UDP-GlcNAc C4异构酶(Gne);用同源建模的方法
目的 探讨管状骨增宽牵引后新骨形成的变化.方法 在成年山羊的后肢放置2只增宽牵引器.实验组9只术后第8天牵引,对照组3只不牵引.牵引完毕后不同时期,各宰杀3只,评价管状骨增