据美国期刊《LMA》的统计,截止到2011年12月31日全世界有30个国家232个铝厂可生产原铝,总名义生产能力56558kt/a。生产能力超过中1Mt/a的有4个企业:中国的鸿骏(Hongiun)铝业公司,1060kt/a;阿拉伯联合酋长国的杰贝勒铝业公司(Jebel Ali),1010kt/a;俄罗斯布拉茨克铝厂(Bratsk),1010kt/a及克拉斯诺雅尔斯克(Krasnoyarsk)铝厂,1010kt/a。最小的是印度的阿卢普拉姆(Alupuram)铝厂,14kt/a和俄罗斯的泰舍塔(Taishet)铝厂,10kt/a需指出的是,《LMA》编辑部的统
According to the statistics of the American magazine “LMA”, as of December 31, 2011, 232 aluminum smelters in 30 countries around the world produce primary aluminum with a total nominal production capacity of 56,558 kt / a. There are 4 companies with a production capacity of over 1Mt / a: China Hongiun Aluminum Company, 1060kt / a; Jebel Ali, United Arab Emirates, 1010kt / a; Bratz, Bratsk, 1010kt / a and Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant, 1010kt / a. The smallest is the aluminum plant in Alupuram, India, 14kt / a and the Taishet aluminum plant in Russia. The 10kt / a needs to be pointed out that the “LMA” editorial board