
来源 :时代教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjuxy2001
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目前,随着我国新课程教育改革进程的快速推进,初中语文课程被赋予了更重要的意义。由于初中学生正处在身心发展的关键时期,通过有效的开展语文课程的教学,有利于培养学生自身的文化素质,并进一步增加学生自身的文化修养。初中语文文学作品教学中“体验式”教学研究。作为初中语文文学教学中的重要组成内容,是语文教师应时刻关注的教学内容之一。本文将简要分析,初中语文文学作品教学中“体验式”教学方面的相关内容,旨在促进初中语文文学作品教学中“体验式”教学更加顺利地开展下去。 At present, with the rapid progress of the reform of the new curriculum education in our country, the junior high school Chinese curriculum has been given more significance. As junior high school students are in a critical period of physical and mental development, through effective teaching of Chinese courses, it is conducive to cultivating students ’own cultural quality and further increasing students’ own cultural accomplishment. Middle School Chinese Literature Teaching “Experiencing” Teaching Research. As an important part of junior high school Chinese literature teaching, it is one of the teaching contents that Chinese teachers should pay close attention to at any moment. This article will briefly analyze the related content of “experiential” teaching in the teaching of junior high school Chinese literature aimed at promoting the “experiential teaching” in the teaching of junior high school Chinese literature to proceed more smoothly.
目的:探讨延胡索对局灶性脑梗死的作用。方法: 总共有30只Sprapue-Dawley(SD)大鼠被用来研究。局灶性脑梗死动物模型的建立是将两侧的颈总动脉和右侧的中大脑动脉的血流阻断9
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22夜·北京@胡杨 22 nights · Beijing @ Populus
目的 :测定多聚核糖体含量及多聚程度的分布对研究生物组织的生理生化现象和代谢过程有重要意义。方法 :我们把断奶一周的SD系大鼠 (体重 60~ 70g)随机分为低硒组 ,加硒Ⅰ组和Ⅱ
..一李苏砂 !.蚊l祖 一!边幽} 夭山.下 两举的毯舟 农东户户 河河何 .攀军 伊-伊 奋︻︻二 二。江- 妥有 … 伊伊伊 1.失礼 红二}犷二.补 -伏严= 6盯有弓 ~.,........ 一笼带甲-
用细胞培养、免疫细胞化学染色、图像分析及流式细胞术观察低氧和猪肺动脉缺氧内皮细胞条件培养液(HECCM)对体外培养的新生大鼠肺血管周细胞 (PC)α- SM- actin、 CD34 、 S-
静脉输注丁胺卡那霉素致过敏性休克死亡2例TheReportofTwoCasesDiedofAlergybyInjectingAmikaciniSulfatetotheVein吕志君李少玲黄绪生①LüZhijun,LiShaoling(UnitedH... Intravenous infusion of amikacin caused anaphylactic shock in 2 cases. TheReport ofTwoCasesDi