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目前,合作教学已成为当代主流教学策略之一,被人们誉为“近十几年来最重要和最成功的教学改革”。“学习对子互助作业法”正是合作学习在课堂教学“作业”这一环节中的具体操作方法。 一、在合作学习中由学习对子互助作业 “合作学习”20世纪70年代初兴起于美国,并在70年代中期至80年代中期取得了具有创意和实效性的进展,形成了受世界各国关注的一种教学理论与策略。我国在20世纪80年代初开始了合作学习的研究与实验,并取得了一定的成效。国务院《关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》指出,要“鼓励合作学习,促进学生之间的相互交流、共同发展,促进师生教学相长”。关于合作学习,我国目前正在进行进一步的实验和探索。在合作学习中由“学习对子互助作业法”互助作业,教师 At present, cooperative teaching has become one of the contemporary mainstream teaching strategies and has been hailed as “the most important and successful teaching reform in the past decade or so”. “Learning to help children and children” is precisely the specific operation method of cooperative learning in the “work” of classroom teaching. First, in the cooperative learning process, the “cooperative learning” of learning and helping each other was initiated in the United States in the early 1970s. In the mid-1970s to the mid 1980s, creative and practical progress was achieved, which formed the concern of all countries in the world. A teaching theory and strategy. China began research and experiments on cooperative learning in the early 1980s and achieved certain results. The State Council’s “decision on reform and development of basic education” pointed out that “cooperative learning should be encouraged to promote mutual exchanges and common development among students and to promote teacher-student teaching.” With regard to cooperative learning, our country is currently conducting further experiments and explorations. In the cooperative learning process, teachers and teachers assist each other in the “learning for mutual assistance”.
写作能力是学生语文素养的综合体现。近几年来的中考试题明显的趋势之一就是语文基础知识、阅读、写作“三大块”三分天下的格局逐渐被打破,作文的分值增加。2 0 0 3年近一半
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