Research progress based on observations of the New Vacuum Solar Telescope

来源 :中国科学:技术科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qy313
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The purpose of this paper is to introduce the main scientific results made by the one-meter New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST),which was put into commission on 2010.NVST is one of the large aperture solar telescopes in the world,located on the shore of Fuxian lake of Yunnan province in China,aiming at serving solar physicists by providing them with high resolution photospheric and chromospheric observational data.Based on the data from NVST and complementary observations from space (e.g.,Hinode,SDO and IRIS,etc),dozens of scientific papers have been published with a wide range of topics concentrating mainly on dynamics and activities of fine-scale magnetic structures and their roles in the eruptions of active-region filaments and flares.The achievements include dynamic characteristics of photospheric bright points,umbral dots,penumbral waves,and sunspot/light bridge oscillation,observational evidence of small-scale magnetic reconnection,and fine-scale dynamic structure of prominences.All these new results will shed light on the better understanding of solar eruptive activities.Data release,observation proposals,and future research subjects are introduced and discussed.
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