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  Children of presidents often get to see and experience things other kids only dream of, and the Obama girls are no exception.
  When Malia and Sasha Obama go back to school and they turn in those papers that most kids have to turn in saying, “What I did on my summer vacation”, they’re gonna have one heck of a story to tell.
  Michelle: I don’t know about you, but we’ve instituted “Camp Obama” in my house.
  Camp Obama consists of globetrotting around the world from Paris to Rome, to Russia, to Africa, and also hitting the hotspots right here at home.
  It’s not at all uncommon for presidents to bring their children along for the ride.
  Doug Wead (Presidential Historian): The Bush daughters toured Europe and they…but usually alone or with their Mom. Then Chelsea Clinton with her mother,…India, many places. This is the first in recent memory that I’ve seen where they…they travel as a family with the father. It’s a great opportunity to see some places and learn some things. I would say that this is a family that likes to be together.
  Obama: I’m always mindful that the pressures of the job not get in the way of me spending time with Malia and Sasha.
  But is the travel inappropriate in a time of recession?
  Obama: Do I think the American people think that because of those hardships I shouldn’t spend a little time with my daughters? I don’t think that’s how the American people think about it.
  The Obamas see this as a family learning experience to travel with their children, and The White House points out that the Obamas pay for all the travel costs associated with the children’s travel. And “Camp Obama,” by the way, isn’t over. It continues next week at Martha’s Vineyard.
It’s been seven hours and fifteen days  Since you took your love away  I go out every night and sleep all day  Since you took your love away  Since you’ve been gone I can do whatever I want  I can see
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提起美国总统的专机,人们总会想到赫赫有名的空军一号(Air Force One)。相比之下,把总统从白宫送到大型喷气机空军一号舷梯旁的海军陆战队一号直升机的名气就差多了。可事实上,总统乘坐它的次数比空军一号要多得多。我们一起来看看总统一段短暂的行程吧。    The President is on the move. The President is always on the move. Whe