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近年来,随着早期胃癌生物学特征的了解,对其进展方式及淋巴结转移等情况已能更清楚地掌握,因而无需一律行胃切除术,可根据病人的病情采取个别的、安全的不同方法进行治疗。目前有缩小手术、局部切除、内窥镜手术—激光烧灼等,但基本上切除并无变化.从手术疗法考虑,所谓缩小手术是指胃切除范围的缩小、淋巴廓清范围的缩小和周围组织(脏器)切除范围的缩小三者而言。如能对周围淋巴转移情况清楚地掌握,当然即可缩小胃的切除范围,亦可缩小周围正常组织(脏器)的切除范围.问题是术前诊断为m癌(局限于粘膜内 In recent years, with the understanding of biological characteristics of early gastric cancer, its progress patterns and lymph node metastasis have been more clearly grasped. Therefore, it is not necessary to perform gastrectomy, and individual and safe methods can be taken according to the patient’s condition. For treatment. At present, there are reduction surgery, local resection, endoscopic surgery - laser cauterization, etc., but basically there is no change in the resection. From the perspective of surgical therapy, the so-called reduction surgery refers to the reduction of the range of gastrectomy, the scope of lymphatic clearance and the surrounding tissue ( The reduction of the scope of organ removal is in terms of the reduction of the three. If you can clearly grasp the surrounding lymphatic metastasis, of course, you can narrow the scope of the resection of the stomach, can also reduce the scope of the surrounding normal tissue (organ) resection. The problem is preoperative diagnosis of m cancer (confined within the mucosa
病例介绍 例1 男,38岁。因腹痛、腹泻半年,于1979年7月19日入院。查体除右下腹扪及7cm×5cm肿物,余无异常发现。纤维结肠镜见升结肠有一肿物,取组织病理检验为腺癌。同年7月
收集我院有随访结果的大肠癌根治手术后病例431例。病理观察记录采用全国大肠癌病理分析卡.项目归并为14项36个因素。因素量化后输入微机,按低标准 F=2.0和高标准 F=9.0两种
In the past four years,the research of environmental and molecular mutagenesis hasbeing progressed successfully.Here is the brief introduction to some achievem