,On the framing of patent citations and academic paper citations in reflecting knowledge linkage: A

来源 :中国文献情报(英文刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:editorzhou
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It has been widely recognized that academic paper citations will reflect scientific knowledge linkage.Patent citations are similar to academic paper citations in many aspects:Citation frequency distribution is often skewed;citation frequency varies from one subject field to another and authors’/inventors’ preference for citing relevant literature is usually confined to their own native language.However,regardless of these seemingly similarities,the patent citation is unique and special.It is constructed by incorporating information providers from multiple sources,such as from examiners,inventors,attomeys and/or the public.It is driven by a value-orientation for the monopolization of market production under regulations of Patent Laws.It is also practiced under the sway of an industrial culture embedded with a notion of creative destruction.In view of the contextual complexities of patent citations,simply applying the data criteria and citation behavior analysis of academic paper citations to that of patentbibliometdcs for the purpose of reflecting knowledge linkage is both conceptually and technically illogical and unreasonable.This paper attempts to delve into the issue of the currently misconceived assertions and practice about transplanting the methodology of academic paper citations en masse indiscriminately into the practice of patent citations.It is hoped that such a study would yield improved result stemming from the practice of patent citations for reflecting knowledge linkage in the future.
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