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目的 用彩色多普勒超声方法研究红花注射液与低分子右旋糖酐合用治疗慢性肾功能衰竭疗效。方法 将慢性肾功能衰竭患者随机分为治疗组(60例)和对照组(30例),两组又分为代偿期、氮质血症期和尿毒症期亚组。治疗组采用红花注射液与低分子右旋糖酐静脉注射1次/d×14 d,对照组单用低分子右旋糖酐静脉注射1次/d×14d,用药前后采用彩色多普勒检测肾动脉血流参数,并同时检查血尿素氮(BUN)、肌酐(Scr)、内生肌酐清除率(Cr)、血小板(pt)及纤维蛋白原(Fg)及临床症状(食欲、睡眠、出血、尿量)。结果 治疗组除尿毒症期亚组外代偿期和氮质血症期亚组临床自觉症状,食欲、睡眠、尿量明显改善,Ccr上升10ml/min,彩色多普勒能量图(CDEI)肾动脉血流信号增加,肾动脉血流阻力指数(RI)下降(<0.75),总有效率为83%;而对照组各项指标均未见明显改变,总有效率为25%。结论 红花注射液与低分子右旋糖酐合用具有活血化瘀、抗凝、改善肾动脉血流参数之功效,且副作用少。彩色多普勒肾动脉血流分析为慢性肾功能衰竭患者微血管病变的检测提供了信息,为临床医生判定治疗效果及评估预后提供更完善的依据。 Objective To study the curative effect of combination of safflower injection and low molecular weight dextran on chronic renal failure with color Doppler sonography. Methods Chronic renal failure patients were randomly divided into treatment group (60 cases) and control group (30 cases). The two groups were divided into subgroups of compensatory, azotemia and uremia. The treatment group with safflower injection and low molecular weight dextran intravenously 1 / d × 14 d, the control group with low molecular weight dextran intravenously 1 / d × 14d, before and after treatment with color Doppler renal blood flow parameters At the same time, BUN, Scr, Cr, pt, Fg and clinical symptoms (appetite, sleep, bleeding, urine output) were examined. Results In the subgroups of uremia, the clinical symptoms, appetite, sleep and urine volume were significantly improved in subclinical and azotemia subgroups, the Ccr increased by 10ml / min, the color Doppler energy imaging (CDEI) Arterial blood flow signals increased, renal artery resistance index (RI) decreased (<0.75), the total effective rate was 83%; while the control group showed no significant changes in all indicators, the total effective rate was 25%. Conclusion Safflower injection combined with low molecular weight dextran has the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and anticoagulation and improving renal artery blood flow parameters, with few side effects. Color Doppler renal artery blood flow analysis for the detection of microvascular disease in patients with chronic renal failure provides the information for clinicians to determine the therapeutic effect and prognosis to provide a better basis.
(一) 常常听到学生对教师的讲课有时有“讲快了”或“讲慢了”的反映,事后教师检查了自己的教学,并朱发现在讲述方法上有任何含糊不清或拖泥带水的地方,连说话的速度也是适
在一些计算问题中常常会遇到求某一个整标函数f(n)的问题,其中自变量n取整数值。例如,求数列的前n项和的问题: In some computational problems, it is often encountered
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本文对近年来肾移植供肾保存研究的新进展进行了概括和分析 ,提示了今后供肾保存的研究方向。 This article summarizes and analyzes the recent advances in kidney trans