Reflections on the Formalism of Teacher—student Interaction in English Classes

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  【Abstract】A new round of the basic education curriculum reform attaches great importance to the interaction between teachers and students in teaching subjects. However, in the existing classroom teaching, interaction between teachers and students tends to be flashy without substance, the interaction between teachers and students becomes formalism.
  【Keywords】classroom teaching;interaction formalism;effective interaction
  In many classes, teaching is often a one-side process. Positive interaction between students and teachers is precious. Although some teacher-student interaction exists, there is a problem of formalism.
  Why does formalism exist in teacher-student interaction? There are several reasons as follows:
  1. Improper questions in the interaction make teaching decouple from learning and lead to the lack of the essence of interaction
  Usually, the teacher devolves an issue to students, and then students raise questions. But this kind of interaction is often free to the text, and the students have no chapter to follow and they will be under an unconstrained style. Therefore, there would be no effective interactive, a class alike is of no life.
  2. Formalism questions hold students’ thought and bring about inefficient interaction
  I have attended many classes and found one thing in common. The teacher showed pictures of new words and used questions as a guide leading to new knowledge. But the questions were not prominent, and the form was single, thus there were few open questions and they lacked of effectiveness. Students were led by the teacher and gave the only answer, they did not have their own thinking space, and thus the class did not embody the principle of students being the main part.
  3. The phenomenon of monopolization exists in teacher-student interaction
  The monopolization in teacher-student interaction is mainly reflected in the interactive opportunities. For teachers’ subjective intention to ensure the victory of the classroom teaching, they tend to give different interactive opportunities according to different students. Generally speaking, teachers will interact with students who are brave and have good oral expression ability, therefore, in a class, some students may be asked a dozen times, while some students are left out in the cold, which shows an obvious monopoly.
  So how should teachers establish effective interaction between teachers and students to promote a high quality class?   (1)Set up questions with high quality
  Questions must be helpful to the interaction between teachers and students. To design a question, a teacher ought to consider: I. Question should be targeted according to the teaching objectives, which has a certain direction. II. Questions should have hierarchy, so that student of different level will all have chance to answer, which is the true way to broaden their mentality and inspire their thinking.
  (2)Teachers should be good at enlightening and guiding, promoting the effective interaction
  Teachers should adhere to inspiration as the guiding ideology and be a good consultant. Encourage students to query, discuss and cooperate; arouse their desire to solve the problem in the cooperative learning ; stimulate them to explore; let them learn to raise questions from the exploration; leave them space to ponder so that they can really engage in activities of thinking, deepen their own understanding, therefore the effective interaction will be established.
  (3)Develop democracy in the classroom
  Teachers might as well learn tolerance, learn democracy, step down from the rostrum, come out from the adult culture, and sincerely step into students’ culture, listen to their voice, allow them to retain their original views, provide them with a discussion space. At the same time, teachers must treat all the students equally. The teacher can never treat part of students as the "noble” of teacher-student interaction or let other students become "slaves” of teacher-student interaction. A teacher should give equal treatment to students from the heart and try various means to mobilize the students to participate in teaching activities.
  In short, driven by the new curriculum reform, teachers have to get out of that formalize classroom interaction and make the class truly lively. Only in this way, the interaction between teachers and students will not become a mere formality, and will really work in the classroom.
【正】 《小学教书育人200题》是我省从事小学教育实际工作的教师、行政管理人员和教育理论工作者集体编写的教育科普读物。它始编于1985年,几经修订,现由江西教育出版社正式
【摘 要】英语教学最本质的目标就是语言交流目标,因此,口语教学就显得尤其重要。本文从高职英语教学的实际出发,结合本校学生的英语水平和英语学习现状,论述了英语口语教学的重要性,并就本校学生的英语口语水平和存在的一些问题,浅析了英语口语教学的主要内容和教学方法。  【关键词】高职院校 英语口语教学 重要性 问题 对策  英语作为高职院校学生在校期间必修的一门基础课程,在教学过程中还存在许多不容乐观的问
摘 要:高中生物教学中,教师先让课堂变得生动,学生才能真正动起来。无论学生的思维或还是手能“动”起来,均能获得较好的教学效果,会使学生的头脑得到解放,思维视野更加开阔,最终学生能真正变成课堂上的主体,从而能让生物教学效率得到提升。  关键词:高中生物;动起来;教学方法;兴趣  高中生物教学中,教师要引导学生积极主动地进行学习,生动活泼地进行探索,使学生动起来,让课堂活起来,让学生乐于学习,学会学习
手足口病(Hand foot mouth disease,HFMD)是由肠道病毒所致的以手、足及口腔水疱为特征的一种传染病,主要发生于儿童^[1]。患儿由于发热、口腔溃疡疼痛导致食欲减退甚至拒食,造成