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金秋季节,由中国机床工具工业协会主办的第四届中国国际机床展览会(CIMT’95)于9月6日在北京中国国际展览中心拉开帷幕。李鹏总理为展览会题词:“加强国际交流合作,发展机床工具工业”,全国人大副委员长倪志福为开幕式剪彩,机械部何光远部长致开幕词,国家机关等30多个部委和北京市的有关负责人,部分外国驻华使馆官员,美、日、西班牙等国机床协会负责人以及国内、外的贸易代表团、采购团和代理商等各界人士与众多记者3000馀人出席了开幕式。6日下午,展览会正式接待观众,虽然展出的头几天秋雨连绵,但观众人流如潮,十分踊跃。 In autumn, the 4th China International Machine Tool Show (CIMT’95), organized by the China Machine Tool Industry Association, kicked off on September 6 at the China International Exhibition Center in Beijing. Premier Li Peng wrote an inscription for the exhibition: “Strengthening international cooperation and cooperation, developing the machine tool industry.” Ni Zhifu, vice chairman of the National People’s Congress, cut the ribbon for the opening ceremony, Minister He Guangyuan of the Ministry of Machinery made an opening statement, and more than 30 ministries and commissions of the state authorities and Beijing’s relevant Responsible persons, officials of some foreign embassies in China, heads of machine tool associations in the United States, Japan, Spain and other countries, as well as domestic and foreign trade delegations, purchasing delegations, agents, and other people from all walks of life and numerous reporters attended the opening ceremony. On the afternoon of the 6th, the exhibition officially received the audience. Although the first few days of the exhibition saw continuous autumn rain, the audience was very popular and very enthusiastic.
产品名称及规格计量单位零售价格(元)调前调后6.00 3.60 3.40 2.4010.001.30 2.OO 3.3032.0024.30 5.00 4.40洁霉素针10X lml 20万u葡萄糖针j×20ral 50%葡萄糖针5X20ral 25%异
国内生产严重衰退,近期难有起色;进口货垄断市场,供化不足限制需求增长。 The domestic production has been severely declining, and there has been little improvement
虽有成绩,但实在汗颜 二重集团公司的出口创汇始于1979年,但真正有规模、形成一定气候的是从1985年开始。10年来,累计完成出口创汇3169万美元,平均每年300万美元左右。出口
展览名称主办单位展期/地点备注EXPOBOISInternational Exhlbition of Wood WorkingMaehinery Manufaeturers andT一mber Indus-trles法国国际木工机械展COMITE DES EXP()SIT
为适应进一步对外开放的形势,改革我国的进口管理体制,我国将自1995年6月30日起取消367个税目的进口管理,其中: 1.取消进口许可证和配额管理的机电商品有断层成像装置,电子
山东省国际贸易学会理事、副秘书长、山东省对外经济贸易职工大学教授方积中因病医治无效,于1995年2月14日在青岛逝世,享年72岁。 Fang Jizhong, a director and deputy se