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关于对劉編課本的意見,除了以前一篇外,我們還接到了湖南郭、王、應諸同志對劉編立體幾何及解析幾何的意見。為了避免重復,我们乃將各稿加以整理,綜合發表如下——編者 1.對立體幾何的意見 1.優点部份:在文字上改掉了舊教科書報澀不通的毛病,使同學學習起來得到不少方便,初步的改掉了舊教科書專重形式,忽略思維發展的證題方式,且在取材方面也比三S立體幾何精簡扼要,而刪掉了一些不切適用的教材。 Regarding comments on Liu’s textbooks, in addition to the previous one, we also received comments from the comrades Guo, Wang, and Ying of Hunan on Liu’s three-dimensional geometry and analytic geometry. In order to avoid duplication, we will organize the various manuscripts and publish them in a comprehensive manner as follows: - Editor’s Comments on the Three-Dimensional Geometry 1. Advantages: In the text, the old school textbooks have been removed from the awkwardness and the students have learned Get a lot of convenience, initially changed the old textbooks focus on forms, ignoring the development of the way of thinking of the subject, and in terms of drawing materials than the three S-dimensional geometry streamlined, and deleted some of the inappropriate teaching materials.
何祥华是一个热爱生活的人,他的诗全部来源于生活。对美好生活的讴歌和对丑恶现象的鞭挞构成了何祥华诗歌的精神特质。本文以何祥华的文学之路,来探讨其诗歌的精神特质。 He
例题1 四个半径为R的球两两外切,其中三个球放在水平桌面上,第四个球放在这三个球之上,在这四个球的中央放一个最大的小球,求这个小球的半径。分析五个球的相互位置是十分对
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