
来源 :世界针灸杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zy15400444
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Objective:To observe whether wrist-ankle acupuncture can reduce propofol dosage in painless bron-choscopy of elderly patients or not and its potential effect mechanism.Methods:A total of 60 patients undergoing painless bronchoscopy were randomized into a wrist-ankle acupuncture group and a control group,30 cases in each one.In the wrist-ankle acupuncture group,wrist-ankle acupuncture was received and the needles were retained for 30 min before entering to the operating room.In the control group,no any intervention was provided.The patients in two groups all received venous administration of midazolam,nalorphine and lidocaine and target controlled infusion of propofol.When the patient\'s consciousness was lost and the eyelash reflex disappeared,bronchoscopy was performed and the propofol dosage was increased accordingly during operation.Propofol dosage,vital signs and occurrence of adverse reactions,bronchoscopist satisfaction,operation time and recovering time were recorded in the patients of two groups.Results:Propofol dosage in induction period and the total dosage of propofol in the wrist-ankle acupunc-ture group were lower than those in the control group,indicating the statistical differences (both P < 0.05).The vital signs were stable during bronchoscopy in patients of two groups.The occurrence rates of hypoxemia and choking in the wrist-ankle acupuncture groups were lower than those in the control group,indicating the statistical differences (both P < 0.05).Bronchoscopist satisfaction in the wrist-ankle acupuncture group was higher than that of the control group,and the operation time and recovering time were lower than the control group,indicating the statistical differences (all P < 0.05).Conclusion:In painless bronchoscopy,wrist-ankle acupuncture may effectively reduce propofol dosage,alleviate respiratory suppression,reduce adverse reaction and shorten the recovering time in elderly pa-tients.
Objectives:To investigate the clinical and therapeutic effects of acupuncture at the pain-sensitive points of patients with chronic nonspecific low hack pain and optimize the acupuncture treatment for chronic nonspecific low back pain.Methods:Using the FD
习近平总书记指出:“我们必须把意识形态工作的领导权、管理权、话语权牢牢掌握在手中,任何时候都不能旁落,否则就要犯无可挽回的历史性错误。” 意识形态话语作为宣传和阐释党的理论和路线方针政策的重要工具,具有不容忽视的建构性作用。恰当的意识形态话语表达往往能够直接切中要点,增强党的意识形态工作的说服力和引导力。在中国特色社会主义新时代,以数字化、网络化、智能化为特征的信息化浪潮极大地改变了意识形态宣传的
2008,大事频仍,多事之秋;反腐倡廉,风起云涌。  伴随着我国改革开放,党的纪检机关也迎来恢复重建30周年的日子。在改革开放中加强党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,摸索一条有中国特色的反腐倡廉道路,前无古人。在30周年之际的2008年,党的反腐败事业更是备受关注。    胡锦涛在中央纪委全会讲话:更加科学有效地防治腐败    1月15日,中共中央总书记胡锦涛在中国共产党第十七届中央纪律检查委员会第二次全
2008年,中国的反腐败斗争取得了丰硕的成果,形形色色的腐败分子受到了党纪国法的严惩。透过贪官们的悔过书、法庭陈述,我们能够看到他们鲜为人知的一面,看到他们真实而隐蔽的心态。本文拾掇当年受审的几位腐败分子的“肺腑之言”,略加评述,以供玩味。    卖官有理说    “都是你组织部说了算,还要我这个书记干什么!”  [点评]安徽定远县委书记陈兆丰据“权”力争,在此逻辑下“卖出”百余顶乌纱帽。陈兆丰腐
Objective:To search systematically the application situation of the outcomes in the randomized con-trolled trials (RCTs) of perimenopausal syndrome treated with acupuncture and moxibustion so as to pro-vide the foundation for the core outcome sets in trea