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利用从1987年以来的森林资源连续清查长期监测数据,对我国思茅松林资源的数量、质量、结构、主导利用方向动态变化进行了分析研究。结果表明,从1987年-2007年,思茅松林资源总体呈下降趋势,面积从67.20×104hm2下降到59.04×104hm2,年均递减0.61%;蓄积量的变化幅度则相对较小。20年间思茅松林平均单位面积蓄积量略有增长,表明总体质量有所上升。但与此同时,径级结构动态变化显示,思茅松林小径组、中径组林木蓄积量所占比重呈递增趋势,而特大径组林木蓄积量则快速递减,近、成、过熟林的单株材积在1987年-2007年间下降了38.24%,单株立木材积显著下降,表明可用资源质量正呈现出下降趋势,材种结构朝低质化方向颓变,反映出思茅松林在经营中忽视了高价值特大径级林木资源的培育。思茅松人工林在监测期间有较大幅度增长,但单位面积蓄积量显著低于同期相同龄组思茅松林的平均水平。20年间,思茅松林调整为公益林的面积呈上升趋势,主导利用方向仍以商品林为主,但对两类林调整过于随意,不利于思茅松林的可持续经营。 Using the continuous inventory of long-term monitoring data of forest resources since 1987, the dynamic changes of the quantity, quality, structure and dominant utilization direction of Simao pine plantation in China were analyzed. The results showed that from 1987 to 2007, the resources of Pinus kesiya forest had a decreasing trend, with the area decreasing from 67.20 × 104hm2 to 59.04 × 104hm2, with an average annual decrease of 0.61%. The change of the storage volume was relatively small. During 20 years, the average volume per unit area of ​​Pinus kesiya forest increased slightly, indicating that the overall quality had increased. However, at the same time, the dynamic change of diameter structure shows that the proportion of forest volume in Simao Songlin Trail Group and Zhongjing Trail shows an increasing trend, while that of Extra Large Diameter Trail decreases rapidly. The volume of plant material decreased by 38.24% from 1987 to 2007, and the stand volume per plant decreased significantly, indicating that the quality of available resources was showing a declining trend, and the structure of timber species tended to deteriorate in the direction of low quality, reflecting the neglect of Simao pine in management Cultivation of high-value large-diameter forest resources. During the monitoring period, the Pinus kesiya plantation increased significantly, but the volume per unit area was significantly lower than that of the same plant in the same age group. In 20 years, the area of ​​Simao pine forest adjusted to public welfare forest is on the rise. The dominant use of the forest is still dominated by commercial forests. However, the adjustment of the two types of forests is too arbitrary and not conducive to the sustainable management of Simao pine forests.