The market for amino acids:understanding supply and demand of substrate for more efficient milk prot

来源 :畜牧与生物技术杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzuns
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For dairy production systems, nitrogen is an expensive nutrient and potentially harmful waste product. With three quarters of fed nitrogen ending up in the manure, significant research efforts have focused on understanding and mitigating lactating dairy cows' nitrogen losses. Recent changes proposed to the Nutrient Requirement System for Dairy Cattle in the US include variable efficiencies of absorbed essential AA for milk protein production. This first separation from a purely substrate-based system, standing on the old limiting AA theory, recognizes the ability of the cow to alter the metabolism of AA. In this review we summarize a compelling amount of evidence suggesting that AA requirements for milk protein synthesis are based on a demand-driven system. Milk protein synthesis is governed at mammary level by a set of transduction pathways, including the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), the integrated stress response (ISR), and the unfolded protein response (UPR). In tight coordination, these pathways not only control the rate of milk protein synthesis, setting the demand for AA, but also manipulate cellular AA transport and even blood flow to the mammary glands, securing the supply of those needed nutrients. These transduction pathways, specifically mTORC1, sense specific AA, as well as other physiological signals, including insulin, the canonical indicator of energy status. Insulin plays a key role on mTORC1 signaling, controlling its activation, once AA have determined mTORC1 localization to the lysosomal membrane. Based on this molecular model, AA and insulin signals need to be tightly coordinated to maximize milk protein synthesis rate. The evidence in lactating dairy cows supports this model, in which insulin and glucogenic energy potentiate the effect of AA on milk protein synthesis. Incorporating the effect of specific signaling AA and the differential role of energy sources on utilization of absorbed AA for milk protein synthesis seems like the evident following step in nutrient requirement systems to further improve N efficiency in lactating dairy cow rations.
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