Advances in fatty acids nutrition in dairy cows:from gut to cells and effects on performance

来源 :畜牧与生物技术杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mike595959
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High producing dairy cows generally receive in the diet up to 5–6%of fat. This is a relatively low amount of fat in the diet compared to diets in monogastrics;however, dietary fat is important for dairy cows as demonstrated by the benefits of supplementing cows with various fatty acids (FA). Several FA are highly bioactive, especially by affecting the transcriptome;thus, they have nutrigenomic effects. In the present review, we provide an up-to-date understanding of the utilization of FA by dairy cows including the main processes affecting FA in the rumen, molecular aspects of the absorption of FA by the gut, synthesis, secretion, and utilization of chylomicrons;uptake and metabolism of FA by peripheral tissues, with a main emphasis on the liver, and main transcription factors regulated by FA. Most of the advances in FA utilization by rumen microorganisms and intestinal absorption of FA in dairy cows were made before the end of the last century with little information generated afterwards. However, large advances on the molecular aspects of intestinal absorption and cellular uptake of FA were made on monogastric species in the last 20 years. We provide a model of FA utilization in dairy cows by using information generated in monogastrics and enriching it with data produced in dairy cows. We also reviewed the latest studies on the effects of dietary FA on milk yield, milk fatty acid composition, reproduction, and health in dairy cows. The reviewed data revealed a complex picture with the FA being active in each step of the way, starting from influencing rumen microbiota, regulating intestinal absorption, and affecting cellular uptake and utilization by peripheral tissues, making prediction on in vivo nutrigenomic effects of FA challenging.
围绕评价的多元化,突出过程性是教师发现学生学习问题的重要抓手。特别是传统的教学评价,忽视了学生的自我认知和过程互动,不能全面反映学生的整体认知和综合运用能力。关注学生的学习过程,突出“评价过程、总结反思”原则,利于学生在主动尝试和实施的过程中不断调整和修正自己问题,便于他们将自我认知体验主动转化为实践运用,满足全面发展需要。  1. 关注学生课堂情感态度,评价非智力因素  学生学习情感态度是教师了
听和说在英语教学中占据半壁江山,有着不替代的作用。“哑巴英语”教学问题的主要原因是学生听不懂和不会说。利用学生现有的知识,通过前后联系的方式来帮助他们建立更为科学有效的整体,能在激活他们学习潜能动力基础上更好调整学习策略方法。通过语言信息之间的解码、转化和生成来主动优化教学方法,不仅能激起学生主动听说的内在激情和兴趣,还能够使得他们在实践运用过程中形成问题探究意识,提高表达综合运用能力。  1.
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