惠农政策促进消费升级 农村市场的富矿如何挖

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曾被称为“一锅烧不开温水”的农村消费市场近几年明显升温,对消费品零售总额贡献率也不断提高。中国农村已成为一个聚集着世界上最大消费群体的“超级市场”。随着农村消费市场这块蛋糕日益诱人,几十年后,知识分子们下乡的热情,折射到了现代企业及其员工身上。不同的是,那时是知识下乡,现在是商业下乡;那时是理念驱使,现在是掘金诱惑。目前我国的经济运行中,尽管消费需求在进一步增强,可投资和进出口需求对经济拉动的作用和影响仍非常大,经济内外失衡并没有得到有效改善。而解决这一问题的关键是如何扩大内需,而扩大内需的最大潜力就在农村。对此,政府采取了一系列惠农措施,这对于那些“下乡”的企业及商家来说,是一股暖暖的春风。——编者 The rural consumer market, once known as “one pot of hot water without heating”, has seen a marked warming in recent years, and its contribution to the total retail sales of consumer goods is also on the rise. China’s rural areas have become a “supermarket ” that brings together the world’s largest consumer group. As the cake in the rural consumer market has become increasingly enticing, the enthusiasm of the intellectuals going to the countryside after decades reflects the modern enterprise and its employees. The difference is that at that time is the knowledge to the countryside, it is now business to the countryside; then driven by ideas, and now is the Nuggets temptation. In the current economic operation in our country, although the consumer demand is further strengthened, the role and influence of investment and import and export demand on the economy are still very large, and the imbalance between the inside and outside of the economy has not been effectively improved. The key to solving this problem is how to expand domestic demand, and the greatest potential for expanding domestic demand lies in the rural areas. In response, the government adopted a series of measures to benefit farmers, which is a warm spring breeze for those businesses and businesses that “go to the countryside”. --editor
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