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  Being the fifth largest city in Germany and a financial, technology and cultural center, Frankfurt has always attracted a global crowd with dozens of major international expos held here every year. For the visitors who desire a scene change, or prefer a fresh dwelling away from the hubbub of the big city, all they need to do is to drive 15 minutes to Neu-Isenburg in the Frankfurt suburb, where the hustle and bustle of the city recedes and a comfortable rural landscape unfolds. Four hundred years ago, this place was the beloved hunting site of the noblemen in the Baroque era. With the passage of time, the dangerous game between hunters and prey ceased to exist, and what you find instead is Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch, sitting on a 15-hectare lush forest and a private lake. After the completion of three-year renovation, she once again opened the doors to visitors with deep pride. Several hundred years have passed, and this super five-star hotel still fully shows her charm beside the mysterious forest.
  Centuries of History
  在法兰克福格拉文布鲁赫凯宾斯基酒店原址处,最早的历史记载源自于1586年骑士塞巴斯蒂安·冯·霍伊森施塔姆 (Knight Sebastian von Heusenstamm) 在灰溪旁所建造的格拉文布鲁赫庄园 (Gravenbrucher Hof)。1720年,由于巴洛克时期的狩猎风潮兴起,此处又加盖狩猎用的休憩木屋。十九世纪末,建筑再度被改建成为格拉文布鲁赫林间客栈(Forsthaus Gravenbruch),成为当时贵族狩猎的专用住所。凯宾斯基酒店管理公司于1976年接手,1980年正式开张,历经多次大规模的翻修与扩建,终成如今的面貌。法兰克福凯宾斯基酒店已在此经营三十九年,至今仍然尽心守护着当地的自然与传统。
  The property of Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch was first mentioned in historical sources in 1590, when Knight Sebastian von Heusenstamm built the Gravenbrucher Hof on the "graven Bruch" (grey brook) on the original site. The manor was expanded in the baroque period, following the fashion of the times, with a hunting lodge in 1720. At the end of the 19th century the public house Forsthaus Gravenbruch provided a popular wooded destination for Frankfurt's nobility. Since Kempinski Hotels took over in 1976, the luxury hotel has undergone a series of additions and renovations to come to its current form, and it was finally opened in 1980. Having managed the property for 39 years, Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch preserves local traditions and nature to heart.
  (法兰克福凯宾斯基饭店酒店已在此经营三十九年,至今仍然尽心守护着当地的自然与传统。Having managed the property for 39 years, Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch preserves local traditions and nature to heart. )   Stately Grandeur of a Manor House
  这间五星酒店共有225间客房,其中38间为套房。每间客房和套房都有绿园地或是湖泊景观。2012年,酒店由具有丰富的星级酒店设计经验的 “德国设计师之家酒店设计公司” (Designer's House GmbH in Germany) 主理改造工程,设计师Madeleine Moes负责全面装修和局部改造。房间内部的升级已于今年全部完成,但保留了原始的乡村精神风貌。客房面积为25至33平方米不等,高级与豪华房型有红、绿两种明亮配色,设有硬木家具,摆设大方且素材极具现代感,浴室由大理石与橡木地板铺设而成,整体可谓是传统与现代的诱人结合。面积最大的总统套房高达180平方米,配有两间华美而宽敞的卧房,室内有独立画廊与藏书丰富的私人图书馆,走上阳台还可以欣赏优美的湖景,许多政商名流都曾下榻于此。
  The hotel has a total of 225 rooms, 38 of which are suites. All rooms and suites have a view of the park or the lake. In 2012, Designer's House GmbH in Germany and its lead designer Madeleine Moes took charge of the hotel's full renovation and partial reconstruction. The full upgrade of the rooms was completed this year. The rooms are between 25 and 33 sq.m in size. The deluxe and grand deluxe rooms come in two bright colour tones of red and green, and are equipped with hardwood furniture and decorative art made of modern material. The fully restored baths are paved with marble and oak wood. The overall design stayed true to the spirit of the hotel's country estate style, creating an attractive combination of tradition and modernity. The largest 180-sq.m Presidential Suite has two spacious rooms with balconies with a view of the lake, as well as a gallery with a well-organised library. Many politicians and celebrities have frequented this divine dwelling.
  The hotel facilities include a fully equipped gym with the most motivating park and lake views. The 200-sq.m Spa has a total of 7 treatment rooms for massages and beauty treatments such as manicure, pedicure and cosmetics. The sauna, steam bath, indoor and outdoor heated pools can also be used freely.
  Diverse International Cuisines
  酒店的三家餐厅致力于打造最难忘的美食经验。EsstTisch餐厅由主厨Stefanos Melianos打理,供应国际性和地区性的菜肴组合,依季节提供鱼、羊、鹅等肉品,各项食材皆来自离酒店方圆200公里以内的当地农场,符合餐厅“保证提供当地最优食材”的口号。更有多款来自德国本地与其他各国、从颇为著名到较不为人知的葡萄酒可供搭配。
  三家餐厅中最具浓厚历史氛围的就是主打轻松乡村风格的The Torsch?nke餐厅,这里主要提供传统的德国菜肴或黑塞区的食物,如腌制起司与洋葱,芭菲甜点与绿酱,法兰克福香肠,肋排炖白菜,还有猪血肠以及特制肝肠等。餐厅经理Oliver Stevens原本就是当地的知名人物,自2012年加入团队以来,一直是这里的灵魂人物。餐厅还与电视主持人Mirko Reeh合作,每月推出两道创新前菜,两道主菜与一道甜点,并在料理节目上与观众们分享。餐厅外部的啤酒花园于每年五月到十月开放,推出黑塞地区专有的苹果酒,法兰克福的酿酒厂N?ll还特别制作了一款由布雷本苹果单品酿成的苹果酒在此独家贩售,苹果酸甜中带苦的特殊口感会让你意犹未尽。
  The SRA BUA by Juan Amador餐厅也是酒店的美食亮点之一。这是在德国开业的第二家,第一家设在柏林凯宾斯基饭店。这间独特的餐厅在开业十一个月后就获得米其林一星和高特米鲁15分的荣耀。主厨胡安·阿马多尔以多样性的亚洲文化作为新餐厅风格的灵感:以前卫的欧洲烹饪为基础,重新诠释亚洲各地美食。   The hotel is also dedicated to creating the most memorable culinary experiences for the guests in its three restaurants. The EssTisch restaurant, led by master chef Stefanos Melianos, stands out for its combination of international and regional dishes, accompanied by seasonal offerings such as fish, lamb or goose specialties. In keeping with their claim of offering the "best of the region", most raw products of the restaurant uses come from local farmers within a maximum radius of 200 kilometers of the hotel. It also offers a selection of well-known and lesser-known wines from home and abroad.
  The Torsch?nke restaurant is the only one located in the historical core of the hotel grounds, providing rustic comfort and a casual, relaxed atmosphere. The menu primarily offers simple German dishes or food from the Hesse region, such as marinated cheese and onions, parfait and green sauce, as are Frankfurter sausages, ribs and cabbage and roasted blood and liverwurst. Restaurant manager Oliver Stevens, a well-known figure in the region, has been the "heart and soul" of the Torsch?nke since he came on board in 2012. The restaurant also cooperated with the well-known TV chef and author Mirko Reeh, who creates a changing Hessian menu of exclusive creations for Torsch?nke each month: two appetizers, two main dishes and one dessert; he then shares his cooking tips in his show. From 1 May to 1 October, Torsch?nke's beer garden is open in the hotel's historic inner courtyard. It is an ideal place where you can enjoy a sip of Hesse's sparkling state drink, apple wine. Wine press house N?ll, located in Frankfurt, has created a pure variety of apple wine just for the Torsch?nke. It is pressed exclusively from Braeburn apples, a sweet and bitter variety, and stands out for its balanced combination of delicious fruit, a pleasant sour taste and sweet undertones.
  The SRA BUA by Juan Amador is another key highlight. After opening its first restaurant in Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin, Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch is their second home in Germany. This exclusive restaurant has been honored with one Michelin star and 15 points by Gault-Millau 11 months after its opening. Juan Amador's inspiration for the new style of the restaurant is the cultural diversity of Asia: the establishment serves Asian cuisine, newly interpreted and influenced by avant-garde European cooking.
  Gentlemen??s Second Home
  K-lounge酒廊设有由地板到天花板的全景窗户,大型独立烟囱,在露台上能看到湖边美景,酒廊全天候提供饮料与小食,在这里不论享用传统英式下午茶或是品尝酒店甜点铺自制的蛋糕,都是一种天人合一的享受。傍晚时分,夜幕落下,这里成了与三五好友彻底放松的好去处,让酒吧厨师长Uwe Angerbauer的团队服务你。来杯鸡尾酒或香槟,或是格拉文布鲁赫特调,由玫瑰酒、苹果酒香槟、白兰地、石榴汁调配而成的美酒相伴彻夜欢聊,惬意人生完美呈现。   Smoker's100欢迎吞云吐雾的雪茄君子们,这里有近200种雪茄品牌可供挑选,如著名的Cohiba、Montecristo、Davidoff和Zino等。每月一次的“下班抽雪茄”(After Work Smoke) 吸引雪茄爱好者相聚于此,分享雪茄时光。
  The K-Lounge is a classic bar with floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows, gorgeous views of the lakeside patio, and a large free-standing chimney. This is an excellent place for tea lovers to enjoy a traditional British tea-time in the afternoon or a piece of cake from the hotel's own patisserie. In the evenings, the K-Lounge is the perfect place where you can relax with a cocktail or a glass of champagne from bar chef Uwe Angerbauer's service team. Don't miss the Gravenbruch Spezial, created by mixing Pomp rosé, Champagne Reinette apple wine, brandy and grenadine. Enjoy this fruity, bitter cocktail before, during or after dinner with friends.
  Smoker's100 is the right place for smokers and cigar lovers. They offer over 200 cigar varieties including internationally known brands such as Cohiba, Montecristo, Davidoff, and Zino. Once a month, lovers of fine tobacco meet here for an "After Work Smoke": a private initiative by cigar lovers who come together to enjoy a cigar. Meetings are published regularly on the hotel's webpage. The gentleman's tea-time is a special highlight for anyone who loves tea culture. Guests will enjoy a glass of Bavarian whiskey and a Cuban cigar, accompanied by the classic tea of finger sandwiches, scones, strawberry jam, clotted cream, English tea-cakes, petits fours and a glass of champagne.
  Four hundred years ago, Kempinski Hotel Frankfurt Gravenbruch were looked upon with favour by nobles, for its unquestionable geographical beauty; now some four hundred years later, it is still deemed an urban sanctum by modern travelers. Over centuries, through various changes and alterations, this haven has stayed intact along with its traditions and nature, and has acquired all the worldly enjoyments available. There is none to complain, only that your body and mind will very likely be overwhelmingly spoiled after the stay...
  (来杯鸡尾酒或香槟,或是格拉文布鲁赫特调,由玫瑰酒、苹果酒香槟、白兰地、石榴汁调配而成的美酒相伴彻夜欢聊,惬意人生完美呈现。Don't miss the Gravenbruch Spezial, created by mixing Pomp rosé, Champagne Reinette apple wine, brandy and grenadine. Enjoy this fruity, bitter cocktail before, during or after dinner with friends.)
Traditional French or Brief Modern  从巴黎雅典娜广场酒店和巴黎文华东方酒店的設计中我们可以看到,设计师们都立足于传统而后建立现代化设计,在融合传统风格的同时也体现了当代的简约时尚。在巴黎这座历史悠久的城市中,展现法国人热情浪漫的传统法式奢华随处可见,在酒店里却又融合了时尚的当代简约。  From Hotel Plaza Athenee Paris and Man
Brasserie Réjane - Traditional Parisian Brasserie  Brasserie Rejane餐廳位于酒店的一层,紧挨着酒店门脸。占据如此有利位置,餐厅定位成酒店住客、过往游客和本地人都会光顾的传统巴黎小馆。临歌剧院大街的一面全部采用落地透明玻璃门窗,透过落地大窗,主厅的“一棵白色叶树”枝繁叶茂,欣欣向荣之势让人眼前一亮,起到了非常好的招揽效果。绕树一周铺设
‘Contemporary oasis’ of Grand Hyatt Sanya Haitang Bay  君悦酒店集团在海南省建立了一个当代渔村版海棠湾君悦度假村。由LTW设计公司受托设计公共区域,客房和套房,并参与设计酒店中的水疗中心和24小时餐厅,采用全景海景设计让您一览无际的白色沙滩。  受到当地特色的船屋社区的启发,酒店以开发当代渔村为建筑理念基础,LTW公司建造的绿洲唤起了海南不同民
近期,《酒店精品》与德国著名五金品牌“海福乐”合作于深圳和上海两地精心策划并举办了两场别开生面的设计大咖访谈会,引发业界对酒店设计的深思。  Recently, cooperated with H?fele, the well known German hardware brand, the Hotel Elite magazine organized two spectacular design
Mandarin Oriental, Asia Culture  位于圣奥诺雷街的巴黎文华东方酒店,距离卢浮宫及旺多姆广场仅数步之遥,四周林立着各大品牌的高级店铺,环绕着时尚的潮流气息。得天独厚的地理位置使得巴黎文华东方酒店集优雅奢华于一身。2011年开业的巴黎文华东方酒店共设有138间客/套房,酒店所有的室内设计均由Sibylle Margerie担纲。自1989年公司成立以来,25年间Siby
The Grand Salon – A Special Artistic Space  舒適的雅座、文学艺术的讨论、现场音乐……在沙龙里享受文艺的悠闲时光是巴黎的一大特色。诺林斯基酒店专门设计了一处沙龙,名为GRAND SALON,藏身于Brasserie Rejane餐厅的后面。厚呢子窗帘将喧嚣隔绝在外,沙龙主要采用壁灯和烛台照明,营造休闲的气氛。桌上摆放国际象棋和扑克牌,还有靠墙书架的图书供人
SPA NOLINSKI – The Value-added Design  水療如今已经成为五星级酒店的标配。长途跋涉的、飞国际航班的商旅人士需要水疗来缓解疲劳,倒倒时差,蜜月旅行的夫妻需要酒店提供更多附加价值,将水疗视为可以一起做的有意思的事。在水疗产品越来越同质化的情况下,设计成为提升水疗价值的重要手段,进而为酒店争取到更多客人。  诺林斯基酒店的水疗中心采用了来自瑞士的科丽妍(La Col
The NOLINSKI Paris,  The Upstart of Eclectic Aesthetics  自2013年决定进军奢華酒店业起,法国EVOK集团(EVOK HOTELS COLLECTION)瞄准国际化大都市的最优地段,与业界最具才华的设计师合作,致力于打造最具代表性的精品奢华酒店。巴黎诺林斯基酒店于2016年7月开业,即是EVOK集团的第一件杰作。尽管开业不久,却不见新酒店的
美国西海岸有一段绵延千里的海岸线,尤以“十七英里”最为闻名遐迩。平缓的沙滩、陡峭的岩壁、茵茵的草坡、茂密的生态林,驰骋期间,胜景如画,令人身心俱适。待你转入一条小路,进入悠悠的卡梅尔山谷(Carmel Valley),穿过一片生机勃勃的葡萄园,又会霎时发现“柳暗花明又一村”的别样景致——欢迎来到贝尔纳都斯水疗酒店(Bernardus Lodge & Spa)。    T he US west co