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《真山民诗集》的最初版刻为元大德丙午董师谦序刊本,该本在中土久已亡佚,却在日本得以流传。文化九年泉泽充据以重雕,并补辑佚诗,是为和刻本。和刻本与《全宋诗》所凭据的中土明潘刻本、《四库全书》录知不足斋抄本、祝刻本非同一系统版本,且留存了《真山民诗集》最初结集的形态。本书卷首董师谦序为《全元文》所失收,可据以否定清人所疑真山民系真德秀后裔这一问题,并可据文中举篇摘句推考元大德本在和刻本付梓前古体诗部分已有散佚。通过和刻本与《全宋诗》相比勘,可知和刻本所收真山民诗文字优于明潘刻本以降各版本,并可辑得《全宋诗》失收真山民诗43首。新辑佚诗有助于考证真山民的生平、交游及行止。 The original edition of “True Mountain People’s Poetry Collection” is the first edition of Dong Dasheng, a pro-democracy director of Yuan Dade, which has been lost in the Middle Kingdom for a long time and has been circulated in Japan. Nine years of spring culture Zechuang according to re-engraving, and editing ancestral poems, is and carved. And the scriptures and the “Song of Songs,” the credentials of the Middle Tu-ming Pan, “Sikuquanshu” recorded less than copy, wish this non-version of the same system version, and retained the “True Mountain Collection of Poems,” the first form of the collection. The book volume leader Shi Qian order for the “Quan Yuan Wen” lost, according to the Qing people suspect true true descendants of this issue, and according to the text cited the whole sentence cited the text of the great morality and engraved Some of the ancient poems before the proclamation have been lost. Through comparison with The Complete Song Poems, we can see that the texts of the true mountain poems received by the inscriptions are superior to those of the Ming Pang inscriptions to reduce the editions, and the series entitled “The Complete Song Poems” can not be collected from the true Mountain Poems. The new anonymous poems help to verify the true life of the people, friendship and behavior.
本文检验了收入分配对发展中国家增长的影响。我们基于世界银行和联合国开发计划署提供的数据,以28个发展中国家为样本研究发现,与艾莱斯纳和罗德里克(Alesina and Rodrik,19
π-Cyclopentadinyl(dicarbonyl)(phenylcarbyne)rhenium-tetrabromoborate, [π-C_5H_5(CO)_(2-)ReCC_6H_5]BBr_4 (3), at low temperature reacts with (μ-phenylthio) (