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中国共产党推行民族区域自治制度的第一个成功范例——内蒙古自治区,成立已整整60年了。在中华民族五千年的历史上,60年是短暂的,然而自治区的发展变化却超过几个世纪。这60年是党的民族区域自治制度成功实践的60年,是翻天覆地的60年,是历史性跨越式转变的60年。60年来在中国共产党的领导下,全区各族人民坚持贯彻党的民族区域自治制度,积极参与管理国家和地方事务,充分行使宪法和民族区域自治法赋予的权利,进一步丰富了社会主义民主政治建设的伟大实践。内蒙古自治区所取得的一切举世瞩目的成就和成功经验,都是在中国共产党历代领导集体的英明决策和亲切关怀下取得的。在热烈庆祝内蒙古自治区成立60周年之际,全区2300多万各族草原儿女抚今追昔,牢记中央领导人情满内蒙古的谆谆教导、殷切期望和鞭策鼓励。 The first successful example of the implementation of the system of ethnic regional autonomy by the Chinese Communist Party - Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has been established for exactly 60 years. In the five-thousand-year history of the Chinese nation, 60 years have been short-lived. However, the development and changes in the autonomous region have been changing for more than a few centuries. These 60 years are the 60 years in which the party’s system of regional ethnic autonomy was successfully implemented, 60 years of earth-shaking change and 60 years of historic leaps and bounds. Under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party over the past 60 years, the people of all ethnic groups in the region have consistently adhered to the party’s system of regional ethnic autonomy and actively participated in the administration of state and local affairs. They have fully exercised the rights granted by the Constitution and the Autonomous Regional Ethnic Autonomy Law and further enriched the socialist democratic politics The great practice of construction. All the remarkable achievements and successful experiences made by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region have been obtained through the wise decisions and cordial concerns of the leaders of all the previous generations of the Communist Party of China. While celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, more than 23 million grass-roots steppe children in the entire region have recalled the past and kept in mind the central leaders’ tepid education in Inner Mongolia and their earnest expectations and encouragement.
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