
来源 :考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengm1
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(用点列式作答。每题10分,共100分)1.高三教学与高一、二教学有何异同?从提高毕业生整体素质看,你认为高三学科教学工作应包括哪些方面?2.近年来学科高考对中学教学有哪些良好导向?又有什么弊端应注意防止消除?3.高考命题的依据和原则是什么?4.高考强调考查学科的主体内容即中学学习的重点内容和与大学基础年级学习密切相关的内容。其中,与大学基础年级学习密切相关的内容主要有哪些?5.从《考试说明》和近五年高考试题察看,学科考查什么能力?学科的考查有哪些必考点(每年必考)和 (Use a dot answer. Each question 10 points, a total of 100 points) 1. What are the similarities and differences between high school teaching and high school and second grade teaching? From the perspective of improving the overall quality of graduates, what do you think should be included in the teaching of high school subjects? 2 In recent years, what are the good orientations of the college entrance examination for secondary school teaching? What other drawbacks should be taken to prevent the elimination? 3. What are the basis and principles of the college entrance examination proposition? 4. The college entrance examination emphasizes the subject content of the examination subject that is the focus of high school learning and The basic level of university studies is closely related to the content. Among them, what are the main contents that are closely related to the university’s basic grade learning? 5. From the “exam description” and the last five years of examination questions, what is the ability of the discipline to examine? What are the required examination points for the subject examination (an annual exam) and
题目:摔坏碗之后……“哎呀!”我一下子惊叫起来,懊悔地看着满地碎片。唉,都怪自己不小心,偏偏把家里面最珍贵的碗打碎了……(续写) 总评:《摔坏碗之后……》要求根据题目和