规模货 科技货 环保货——沁阳支行“三贷生金”

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中行沁阳支行紧紧围绕“重点行业、重点地区、重点客户、重点产品”的四重战略,以“调整结构、优化增长”为信贷工作思路,大力发放规模货、科技贷、环保贷。今年累计发放贷款5112万元,签发银行承兑汇票1245万元,新增贷款居当地金融机构之首,有力地支持了地方经济建设。沁阳市铝电集团公司是河南省50强重点企业,也是沁阳国有经济龙头企业,拥有资产13亿元,年上缴利税8000万元,占沁阳市财政收入的43.6%,但是,由于该公司历史上社会集资较多,负债沉重,流动资金紧张。中行沁阳支行在发放流资贷款3000余万元,争取省行直贷7000万元的基础上,今年又累计发放贷款2000余万元,开立银行承兑汇票860万元,解决了企业资金供求矛盾,突破了铝电不平衡的瓶颈,走上了煤发电、电解铝、铝型材 Qinyang Sub-branch of BOC closely focused on the four-pronged strategy of “focusing on key industries, key regions, key customers and key products” and “adjusting structure and optimizing growth” Green loan. This year, a total of 51.12 million yuan of loans were issued and 12.4 million yuan of bank acceptance bills were issued. The new loans topped the local financial institutions and strongly supported the local economic construction. Qinyang Aluminum Power Group Company is one of the top 50 enterprises in Henan Province and also a leading state-owned economy enterprise in Qinyang. It owns 1.3 billion yuan of assets and profits and taxes of 80 million yuan, accounting for 43.6% of Qinyang’s fiscal revenue. However, In the history of the company, there was more social fund-raising, heavy debt and tight liquidity. On the basis of issuing more than 30 million yuan of circulating loans and 70 million yuan of direct loans from the provincial bank, Qinyang Branch of the Bank of China also issued more than 20 million yuan of loans this year and opened 8.66 million yuan of bank acceptance bills to solve the contradiction between supply and demand of enterprises and break through the Aluminum unbalanced bottleneck, embarked on a coal power generation, electrolytic aluminum, aluminum
1.里奥·桑巴(Rio Samba)HT系 a美Wsrriner 1993年A. A. R. S品种,又译巴西桑巴舞。花型极美,朵径中等,色深黄艳亮。开放时,花瓣一轮接一轮,瓣缘泛猩红云,微香。叶中绿色,光
问:我养了五色梅、丁香、吊兰、茉莉等许多花,不知哪些花不宜摆放在室内? 淮安童桂林 Q: I have five colored plum, cloves, spider plants, jasmine and many other flow
我国被认为受加入世贸组织影响最大的四大“敏感行业”——信息、机械、轻工和石化行业的发言人近日表示;欢迎外资进入,鼓励嫁接和改造中国企业,共同参与竞争与合作。 信息
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