坚持依法办事 推进廉政自律——读《领导干部廉洁从政》教育读本有感

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按照公司党委、纪委的统一安排和工作要求,本人认真阅读了《领导干部廉洁从政》教育读本和《湖南省电力公司员工奖惩办法(2012版)》,让我受到了心灵洗礼,更加坚定了共产主义信念,更加增强了依法从严治企和带头遵纪守法的自觉性,更加明确了对反腐倡廉极端重要性、紧迫性和艰巨性的认识。一、坚持秉公用权,廉洁从政,全心全意为民服务广大工农大众不惜抛头颅、洒热血,跟随中国共产党人赴汤蹈火,浴血奋战,就是为了推翻长期以来压在头上的三座大山,抛弃套在脖子上的沉重的精神枷 In accordance with the unified arrangements and work requirements of the party committees and commissions of the company, I carefully read the education reading of “Leading Cadres Integrity and Political Etiquette” and the “Reward and Punishment Measures for Employees of Hunan Electric Power Company (2012 Edition)”, giving me the baptism of the soul and strengthening the communist The conviction of beliefs further strengthens the consciousness of strictly administering enterprises and taking the lead in observing laws and regulations in accordance with the law, and clearer the understanding of the extreme importance, urgency and arduousness of fighting corruption and advocating ethics. First, upholding the principle of exercising public authority, being honest and treating the people wholeheartedly and serving the people The masses of workers and peasants have spared no expense in spurring the blood of the broad masses of workers and peasants. Following the example of the Chinese Communists, they fought bloody battles in an attempt to overthrow the three mountains that have long been pressured over them. Heavy mental flail on the neck
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