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外语学习和外语教学总是备受教育专家们的热议,其中怎样培养学生的自主学习能力尤其重要。在中国,发展学生自主学习能力也得到了越来越多的关注。学习的最终目的是学会学习,并不只是学习知识。自主学习意味着学生知道怎样独立学习;也就是说,学生懂得了怎样树立学习目标,备选学习材料,强化学习过程以及评价学习结果;同时,学生也懂得该如何分析影响自主学习的原因并根据这些原因找出应对的方法。培养学生自主学习能力需要老师和学生的双向配合。从学生角度来说,纠正学习态度和学习动机,采用有效的学习策略是至关重要的;从老师角度来讲,在教育教学中要从以往的以教师为中心向以学生为中心转变。本文先介绍自主学习能力的特点进而分析影响自主学习能力的原因,最后提出培养学生自主学习能力的建议。 Foreign language learning and foreign language teaching is always hot education experts, including how to develop students’ ability to self-learning is particularly important. In China, the development of students’ autonomous learning ability has also received more and more attention. The ultimate goal of learning is to learn to learn, not just to learn knowledge. Autonomous learning means that students know how to learn independently; that is, they know how to set learning goals, alternative learning materials, and reinforce learning processes, as well as evaluate learning outcomes. Students also understand how to analyze the reasons that influence autonomous learning and based on These reasons find the way to deal with. Students develop their own learning ability requires a two-way cooperation with teachers and students. From a student’s point of view, it is of crucial importance to correct learning attitude and motivation to adopt an effective learning strategy. From a teacher’s point of view, we should shift from a teacher-centered to a student-centered education in teaching. This article first introduces the characteristics of autonomous learning ability and then analyzes the reasons that affect the ability of independent learning, and finally puts forward suggestions to develop students’ autonomous learning ability.
本文对2006年江苏省消费品市场的运行情况做了精到的分析,并对2007年江苏市场的趋向进行了探讨。 This article made a detailed analysis of the operation of the consume
钝化隔离可使集成电路同时具有双极型的速度和MOS的密度,并且具有简化掩模和自校准等特点,从而提高成品率降低成本。 Passivation isolation allows the integrated circuit