Aspirin At 100, Still A 'Wonderdrug'

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1899年3月6日,阿司匹林在德国拜耳公司诞生。今年3月6日,德国拜耳公司举行了庆祝活动,纪念阿司匹林诞生100周年。100年前,拜耳公司的化学家霍夫曼博士提取出具有镇痛和退烧作用的乙酰水杨酸。该公司以阿司匹林的商业名称注册的专利,很快它就成为使用最广泛的常规药品。人们在医学实践中发现,阿司匹林还能抑制血小板聚集,对于冠心病、中风等由于血凝而引发的心血管疾病具有辅助治疗效果。近年来还有一些研究表明它能够防癌,百年老药又展示了它旺盛的生命力。 本文使用了许多精彩的赞誉之词,让读者感到既是夸张,又不是夸张。如: …aspirin, like Coca Cola and Levis(著名牛仔裤的品牌),is one of only a handful of brands to have transcended(超越)cultures, borders and generations to enjoy almost universal recognition. Mentioned in films and fiction, it has become as enduring an element of life in the 20th century as the car and television. …modern man lived in “the age of the aspirin”. 让人惊奇的是,对人类作出巨大贡献的阿司匹林,问世之初竟遭“冷遇”: …whose potential was at first doubted by the firm’s management. 因为阿司匹林能够有效防止心脏病的发作,聪明的商人? On March 6, 1899, Aspirin was born in Bayer, Germany. On March 6 this year, Bayer Company of Germany held a celebration to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of aspirin. 100 years ago, Bayer’s chemist Dr. Hoffman extracted acetylsalicylic acid with analgesic and antipyretic effects. The company registered a patent with the commercial name of aspirin, and soon it became the most widely used conventional drug. In medical practice, people have found that aspirin can also inhibit platelet aggregation and has an adjuvant therapeutic effect on coronary heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases caused by blood coagulation. In recent years, there have been some studies showing that it can prevent cancer and the 100-year-old drug has demonstrated its vigorous vitality. This article uses a lot of wonderful words of praise, so that readers feel both exaggerated and not exaggerated. Such as: ...aspirin, like Coca Cola and Levis (famous jeans brand), is one of only handful of brands to have transcended (surpassing)cultures, borders and generations to enjoy almost universal recognition. Mentioned in films and fiction, it has As as an object of life in the 20th century as the car and television. ...modern man lived in “the age of the aspirin”. Surprisingly, aspirin has made a great contribution to mankind. Being “cold”: ...whose potential was at first doubted by the firm’s management. Because aspirin can effectively prevent heart attacks, smart businessmen?
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