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几乎象加按语一样的不费笔墨,便使梁实秋的反动面目暴于光天化日之下,可说是《“丧家的”“资本家的乏走狗”》写作上的显著特点。我们常说鲁迅的杂文象匕首。这篇文章是相当典型的。文章可分三段:开头到“我可怎么能知道呢?……”为第一段;之后到“称为‘丧家的’‘资本家的乏走狗’”为第二段;余下为第三段。第一段主要是引述梁实秋的反扑辩白,以为反面材料。文章开门见山,简明地交代了梁实秋的文章的由来后,即用“先据……再下……于是……”这一长句迅速地摘引了梁实秋的自云“我不生气”的文章的原文,重在摆出他的所谓“疑问”。这个“疑问”总起来说有两个意思:一是作一番狡辩,否认他是“资本家的走狗”;二是从“我还不知 Almost like the addition of the sign language, it took Liu Shiqiu’s reactionary appearances into a broad daylight, which is arguably the most striking feature of the writing of “The Lost Dog of the Capitalists.” We often say that Lu Xun’s essays are like daggers. This article is quite typical. The article can be divided into three paragraphs: from the beginning to “How can I know it? ...” is the first paragraph; after that, it goes to the second paragraph of the “Dead Dog” of the capitalist known as the “death home”; the rest is the third paragraph. . The first paragraph mainly quoted Liang Shiqiu’s counterattack and argued against the material. After the article came straight to the point and concisely explained the origin of Liang Shiqiu’s article, he immediately used the long sentence of “According to...the next...so then...” to quickly excite Liang Shiqiu’s original “I’m not angry” article from the cloud. The emphasis is placed on his so-called “questions.” This “question” generally has two meanings: one is to make some sophistry and to deny that he is the “walker of the capitalists”; the second is from “I still don’t know
1.試証正弦定理 a/sin A=b/sin B=c/sin C。 証。如图1作AB的垂綫DC,因为封閉綫段在任意軸上的投影的代数和为零,又因为AB垂直于DC,其在DC上的投影为零;而AC在DC上的投影为b
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我们试研究以下两个简单问题: 1.把5个苹果,放到四个抽屉中去,则至少有一个抽屉有不少于两个苹果。 2.在400人中间,至少有两个人的生日相同。 在解决这类问题时,可以引导我
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