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为了考核档案价值状况,研究档案利用实际效果,总结档案鉴定工作经验,提高档案的管理水平,我公司系统自1983年起采用档案借阅卡(见附图(一)(二))。在每个案卷利用时,请借阅人在卡上填上:部门、姓名、用途,我们再在下面小方块卡片中写上档号、效果等,然后把小方块卡片撕下一块,用小盒子另外集中好,待年终时可作为一年的利用统计和分析的依据。大卡片就夹在卷内随卷归档,几年来,我们坚持这样做了。体会到有以下几点好处: In order to assess the value of archives, research archives use the actual results, summarize the experience of archival identification and improve the management level of archives. The system of our company has adopted the archival loan card since 1983 (see the attached photo (1) (2)). In each case of the use of the file, please borrow on the card to fill in: department, name, purpose, we then write the following small box card file number, effect, etc., and then remove the small square card piece, with a small box In addition to focus on the year-end can be used as a year of statistics and analysis of the basis. In the volume of the big card clip in the archive, the past few years, we insisted on doing so. Experience the following advantages:
Sintered metals are characterized by the high porosity(8%)and voids/micro-cracks in microns.Inelastic behavior of the materials is coupled with micro-crack prop
Based on the two-step nucleation mechanism, a multi-step thermodynamic model for alumina inclusion formation during aluminum deoxidation process was proposed in
《买卖人是一部以农村供销社为题材的长篇小说,全书 28万字,2001年 8月作家出版社出版。作者杨学中是一位多年从事供销社行政工作的老同志。《买卖人》以我国东北农村一个基层供销社的