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1.有效证件:身份证或工作证:旅行的必备物,因为这是身份的证明。结婚证:是夫妻住宿的通行证。学生证:一些景点的门票赁学生证会有很大的优惠。如需乘坐火车或飞机千万别忘带火车票或飞机票。2.足量的钱或信用卡:俗话说穷家富路,旅途中常会有一些突发情况,这时候就会发现带足钱的 1. Valid documents: ID card or work card: essential travel, because this is a proof of identity. Marriage certificate: is the couple’s accommodation permit. Student ID Card: Tickets for some attractions to rent a student ID card will have a great discount. If you need to take a train or plane do not forget to train tickets or plane tickets. 2. Sufficient amount of money or credit card: As the saying goes, poor family Fu Road, the trip often have some unexpected situations, this time you will find with enough money
150名女性选择美白产品……白里透红是女性梦想中的脸色! 美白产品格外得到钟爱。可面对林林总总的产品我们该选择哪一种呢? 本次调查共有150位女性参加,涉及品牌28种。 15
AIM: To analyze the neutralizing activity of antibodies against E1 region of hepatitis C virus (HCV). Specific polyclonal antibody was raised via immunization o
水果是平衡膳食中不可缺少的一组食品,品种繁多,外形生动,色泽鲜艳,味道酸甜,果肉丰腴,汁多爽口,受到孩子们的普遍喜爱:同时,水果又含有丰富的营 Fruit is an indispensabl
AIM: To explore the mechanism by which H pylori causes activation of gastric epithelial cells. METHODS: A VacA (+) and CagA (+) standard H pylori line NCTC 1163
AIM: To study the epidemiology of HCC in Lebanon and prognostic factors predictive of early mortality. METHODS: An observational follow-up cohort study of HCC c
We report a case of sigmoid colonic carcinoma associated with deposited ova of Schistosoma japonicum. A 57-year old woman presented with a 10-mo history of left