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欲知一个男人服饰品位的高低,只要看一看他身上的细节就可以了。一双鞋、一条领带、一件普通的衬衫,就能把他的衣着水准显露无遗。鞋:每三天最好换一次好的鞋应该是美观与舒适兼备,轻巧而富于弹性。典雅传统的黑色密头牛津鞋,是商务应酬和写字楼先生们上班的最佳选择,它与各类西装都能配合默契。但是穿棕色系服装时最好配同色的鞋。黑色鞋和棕色鞋是男士鞋柜中的必备物。但记住,鞋的作用虽然重要,但也不能比全身衣服更夺目,否则远远看上 To know the level of a man’s dress, just look at the details of his body on it. A pair of shoes, a tie, an ordinary shirt, will be able to reveal his level of clothing. Shoes: the best change every three days A good shoe should be both beautiful and comfortable, lightweight and flexible. Elegant traditional black secret head Oxford shoes, is the best choice for business entertainment and office gentlemen to work, it can tie in with all kinds of suits. However, when wearing brown clothing is best equipped with the same color shoes. Black and brown shoes are essential items in men’s shoes. But remember, although the role of shoes important, but also more eye-catching than the whole body clothes, or far from the fancy
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Esophageal cancer (EC) is a highly lethal disease. Approximately 50% of patients present with metastatic EC and most patients with localized EC will have local