中国即将进入WTO ,这是中国人民已久的期盼 ,同时又是邓小平对外开放理论的一次伟大实践。随着高新科技的发展 ,全球化、一体化、网络化、信息化趋势的增强 ,邓小平的对外开放理论日益显示其正确性。然而 ,邓小平的对外开放理论并不是凭空产生的“无本之木” ,一方面它是对马列主义、毛泽东思想中对外开放理论的继承 ;另一方面它是对中国近代以来的开放思想的积极的宏扬
China is about to enter the WTO. This is the long-awaited hope of the Chinese people and a great practice of Deng Xiaoping’s theory of opening to the outside world. With the development of new and high technologies, the trend of globalization, integration, networking and informationization has been enhanced. Deng Xiaoping’s theory of opening up has increasingly shown its correctness. However, Deng Xiaoping’s theory of opening to the outside world is not a “woodless tree” created out of thin air. On the one hand, it is an inheritance of the theory of opening to the outside world in Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. On the other hand, Deng Xiaoping is positive toward the open thought in modern China Promote