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前些天因为去桂林参加全国书刊发行大会,特意找出今年《旅游》第三期,将这期上的大选题“漓江全线攻略”仔细认真地做了一番“功课”,受益匪浅。 桂林众多旅行社抓住书刊大会的机会,在会议代表下榻的酒店摆放组团柜台,出售线路:从桂林乘船游漓江,顺流而下到阳朔,晚上看张艺谋的“印象·刘三姐”,当天乘车返回桂林,每人需300多元。与会者大多没做旅游的“功课”,盲目的报名参团者众多。我们一行10人,手拿第三期《旅游》,从旅行社包了一辆11座的“金杯”,从桂林出发,半个小时就到了“大圩”古镇,漫步在青石板铺就的老街上,站在当年孙中山登岸的古码头,看村妇在漓江边洗衣,与古街上的店铺老板讨价还价……得意之极。这些收获是随旅行社乘船游漓江所得不到的。随后我们又到“古东景区”乘竹排、与“刘三姐”对 A few days ago, I went to Guilin to attend the national publication of the General Assembly, deliberately found out the third issue of this year’s “Tourism.” I have benefited greatly from this course of the “Raiders across the Lijiang River” carefully and carefully . Guilin, many travel agencies to seize the opportunity to book conferences, delegates staying in the conference table at the delegation station, sell lines: cruise Lijiang River from Guilin, downstream down to Yangshuo, Zhang Yimou night to see the “Impression Liu Third Sister,” the day by Car back to Guilin, each person needs more than 300 yuan. Most of the participants did not do the “homework” of tourism, blindly enrolled a large number of delegations. We have a group of 10 people, holding the third phase of “travel”, from the travel package a 11 “Golden Cup” starting from Guilin, half an hour to the “Daxu” town, walk in the bluestone paved old On the street, standing in the ancient pier landing Sun Yat-sen, see the village women in the Lijiang River laundry, and the ancient street shop owner bargain ... ... extremely proud. These gains are with the travel agency Lijiang River cruise can not get. Then we go to the “Ancient East Scenic Area” by bamboo row, and “Third Sister Liu” right
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