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在中国,诗意一词往往蕴含着浪漫和惬意,可是在当代德国艺术家吕蓓卡·霍恩那里,诗意竟与忧郁和孤独等情感牢牢地扭结在一起。无论她的作品可以从海德格尔那里找到多么晦涩玄奥的语言论诠释,但它最终叙说的是现代人灵魂失落后的、真实的苦难生命状态 日本美术史家中村不折在 中国绘画史 一书中写道:“中国绘画是日本绘画的母体。”在日本按照“脱亚入欧”的意愿,经过一百多年的努力,将自己变成了“西方七国”之一的今天,工藤贤司来到中国,在汉代艺术中重访日本绘画的源头,这绝不是一个偶然的现象,其意义也远远超出了艺术自身。西方现代文明已陷入危机,许多有识之士将目光投向中国古代文明以求走出困境之路,工藤贤司就是其中的一员 In China, the poetic word often implies a sense of romance and comfort, but in the contemporary German artist Lübeka Horn, poetic emotions are firmly linked with feelings of depression and loneliness. No matter how obscure and mysterious linguistic interpretations her works can find from Heidegger, the ultimate narrative is the real misery after the loss of soul in modern life. Nakamura, a Japanese art historian, is not in the history of Chinese painting Wrote: “Chinese painting is the mother of Japanese painting.” Japan has become one of the “Seven Western Countries” after a hundred years of hard work in accordance with the will to take off from Asia and enter Europe. Today, It is no accident that the Secretary came to China to revisit the origins of Japanese painting in the art of Han Dynasty, which is far beyond the meaning of art itself. Western modern civilization has been in crisis, many people of insight will look to ancient Chinese civilization in order to get out of the woods, Kenzo Kudans is one of them
Ten years study of selenium status in stream sediments, rocks, soils, water, cereal crops and food, as well as in the human tissues, has shown a Se deficiency i
Since 1957, selenium has found extensive use in livestock production to maintain an adequate selenium status in animals in areas of soil and feed/forage deficie