
来源 :中国回族研究论集 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanzi841213
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井春霞,回族,1966年出生。宁夏同心剪纸艺人,为宁夏剪纸协会副会长。1990年开始剪纸艺术创作。1991年,作品《俏不争春》在宁夏银南地区“眷艺杯美影书大赛”中获一等奖;1993年作品《如意》获宁夏女职工美影书大赛三等奖;1995年,《和平万岁》等14幅作品入选世界妇女大会并参加各国巡回展出。1998年和1999年先后两次分别在同心、银川举办个人剪纸作品展。2004年获宁夏十大女杰提名奖。荣获“中华巧女”称号。因搞回族民俗实物收集工作,于1999年在同心初识井春霞,并一起参加了为时三天的宁南山区回族民俗文化考察活动,其间一次彻夜的长谈,使我迅速走进了她的世界。从此对她便有了一份特别的关注。由于交谈中一种亲和投缘的感觉,随后便积极寻求、创造着见面的机会。继1999年后,又分别于2002年10月、2005年7月在同心、2006年2月在银川进行了三次访谈。访谈内容长久地在我的脑海中存留,渐渐思索探究将其捋出一条较为清晰的脉络,当我专注于这条脉络时,蓦然发现,这恰好可反映这些年来井春霞人生和创作状况的一个轨迹,抑或也可作为我多年跟踪考察井春霞剪纸活动的一份作业,愿记录于此。 Well-Xia, Hui, born in 1966. Ningxia concentric paper-cut artists, vice president of Ningxia Paper-Making Association. 1990 began cutting paper art. In 1991, his work Qiao Bu Chun Chun won the first prize in Yinnan Area of ​​Ningxia and the first prize in the Film Contest of the United Artists Cup in 1993. In 1993, Fourteen works, including “Long Live the Peace,” were selected for the World Women’s Assembly and participated in the roving exhibitions of various countries. 1998 and 1999, respectively, twice in concentric, Yinchuan personal paper exhibition. 2004 Ningxia Top Ten Award nomination. Won the “Chinese clever woman” title. In order to engage in the collection of Hui people’s physical objects, they first met Jing Chunxia in 1999 and took part in the three-day survey of the folk culture of the Hui people in the mountains and mountains of South Ningxia. During this long visit, I walked into her quickly world. Since then she has a special concern. Due to the affinity of a conversation in the conversation, and then actively seek to create a chance to meet. Following 1999, three interviews were conducted in Yinchuan in October 2002 and July 2005 respectively, and in February 2006 in Yinchuan. The content of the interview persisted in my mind for a long time. I gradually pondered on exploring a more clear context. When I focused on this context, I found out that this just reflects one of the life and creative conditions of Jing Chunxia over the years Track, or can also be used as my homework for many years to track down Chun-Xia paper-cut activities, is willing to record here.
In the reliability designing procedure of the vehicle components, when the distribution styles of the random variables are unknown or non-normal distribution, t
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When used for separating multi-component non-stationary signals, the adaptive time-varying filter(ATF) based on multi-scale chirplet sparse signal decomposition