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贵州省自古以来就是疟疾的高度流行区,有“瘴疠之地”之称,解放前全省每年患病人数在200万~300万之间,约占时年全省总人口的25%~30%。新中国成立后,通过数十年的艰苦防控,贵州省疟疾发病得到明显控制,流行程度明显降低,但局部范围的疟疾爆发流行仍时有发生,多年来全省疟疾发病主要集中在黔南、黔东南、黔西南三个地区的低海拔河谷区域,以间日疟为主要流行虫种。2010年全省开始实施消除疟疾行动计划以来,加大了对疟疾的防控力度,依据《贵州省消除疟疾行动计划(2010—2020年)工作实施方案》,通过全球基金、中转资金及省财政资金等项目的实施,防控局面发生实质性突破,取得了阶段性的成果,全省2012年首次实现了无本地感染疟疾发生且保持至今。截止2015年底,全省《行动计划》实施总体进展顺利,完成情况良好,部分阶段目标提前实现,所有4个阶段目标均如期完成,全省已有68个县(市区)、5市(州)完成了消除疟疾考核评估,占全省总县数的77.27%。2010—2015年,全省完成覆盖所有县(市)范围的传疟媒介按蚊调查工作和疟疾流行风险调查与评估工作,设立县级病媒生物综合防控示范点;逐步规范了疟疾疫情管理与处置技术规范,措施落实达到了3个100%(国家1-3-7模式);加强了消疟能力建设,建立了省级疟疾参比实验室,完善了疫情管理与处置全程质控,开展业务人员逐级培训及以赛代训,为消疟行动持续开展贮备了大量的技术骨干。随着消疟行动的深入发展,保障各级消疟资金的持续投入尤显重要,而各级专业人员的持续培训以及输入性疟疾病例的监测发现、治疗处置工作必将成为重点、难点和核心工作,对此应做到有备无患、常抓不懈。 Guizhou Province has been a highly endemic area of ​​malaria since ancient times, with the name of “martyred land”. Before the liberation, the number of affected people in the province was between 2 million and 3 million each year, accounting for about 25% of the total population in the province. ~ 30%. After the founding of New China, through decades of hard control, the incidence of malaria in Guizhou Province has been obviously controlled and the epidemic rate has been obviously reduced. However, the outbreak of malaria in some areas still occurs frequently. In the past few years, the incidence of malaria in the province mainly concentrates in Qiannan , Southeastern Guizhou, southwestern Guizhou three regions of low altitude valleys, vivax malaria as the main epidemic species. Since 2010, the province has started to implement the malaria elimination plan of action, it has stepped up its efforts in preventing and controlling malaria. According to the “Implementation Plan of Guizhou Province Action Plan on Malaria Elimination (2010-2020)”, through the global fund, transit funds and provincial finance Funds and other projects have been implemented, substantial breakthroughs have been made in the prevention and control of the disease, and the phased results have been achieved. For the first time in 2012, the province has achieved the malaria-free status and maintained so far. As of the end of 2015, the overall implementation of the “Action Plan” in the province has proceeded smoothly and completed well. Some of the targets achieved in phases were fulfilled in advance. The goals of all four phases were completed on schedule. The province has 68 counties (cities) and 5 cities ) Completed the evaluation of malaria elimination assessment, accounting for 77.27% of the total number of the province’s counties. In 2010-2015, the province completed survey of malaria-transmitted mosquitoes and survey and assessment of epidemic risks of malaria in all counties (cities), set up a comprehensive demonstration site for the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases at county level, and gradually standardized malaria epidemic management And the disposal of technical specifications, measures to achieve the three 100% (1-3-7 national model); to strengthen the construction of anti-malaria capacity, the establishment of a provincial-level malaria reference laboratory, improve the quality of the epidemic management and disposal of the entire process of quality control, The Company conducted a series of training and training on behalf of the business personnel to reserve a large number of technical cadres for the anti-malaria operations. With the deepening development of anti-malaria operations, it is particularly important to ensure the continuous investment of anti-malaria funds at all levels. The continuous training of professionals at all levels and the monitoring of imported malaria cases have found that treatment and disposal work will surely become the focus, the difficult point and the core Work, this should be prepared, often perseverance.
研究了提升容器在运行过程中与井筒装备相互作用的动力学性质,建立了矿井提升过程中罐笼的3 种基本动力学模型,即冲撞模型、非直线模型和凸出模型,以对应于罐道局部的变形和弯曲