Study on bioleaching of refractory gold ore (Ⅰ)──Mechanism on bioleaching of pyrite by Thiobacillus

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsy999
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The variation of main parameters including ion concentration, pH value, potential and biomass was examined in bioleaching pyrite. The pH value of the solution decreased obviously. Most of T.ferrooxidans adhered to the surface of pyrite. The surface properties of pyrite and leached products were determined by SEM, EDS and XRD. Pyrite was corroded selectively by T.ferrooxidans and sulfur in pyrite was leached preferentially. The primary product for bioleaching pyrite was jarosite. Based on these results, it can be found that pyrite is oxidized mainly through the direct role of T.ferrooxidans . A band model for bioleaching pyrite was built, by which the bioleaching process was explained theoretically. The model shows that the holes, which are injected into the valence band of pyrite through adhered T.ferrooxidans , result from dissolved oxygen in the solution. The variation of main parameters including ion concentration, pH value, potential and biomass was examined in bioleaching pyrite. The pH value of the solution decreased obviously. Most of T. ferrooxidans adhered to the surface of pyrite. The surface properties of pyrite and leached products were determined by SEM, EDS and XRD. Pyrite was corroded selectively by T. ferrooxidans and sulfur in pyrite was leached preferentially. The primary product for bioleaching pyrite was jarosite. Based on these results, it can be found that pyrite is oxidized mainly through the direct band of the ferrite was built by, the bioleaching process was explained theoretically. The model shows that the holes, which are injected into the valence band of pyrite through adhered T. ferrooxidans, result from dissolved oxygen in the solution.
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目的大肠癌在消化道肿瘤中预后较好,如能较早的发现和及时治疗,完全可以根治.方法对l 125例大肠癌高危人群进行结肠镜的追踪随访检查.结果发现大肠癌37例(3.3%),其中28例(75.7%)为无淋巴结转移的早期癌,发现癌前期病变一大肠腺瘤215例(19.1%).结论结肠镜对大肠癌高危人群进行定期追踪检查是发现早期大肠癌和癌前期病变一腺瘤最方便、最安全、最简便的方法.
1 前言包钢1号高炉(1513m~3)有着光荣的历史。它是1959年我国执行第一个五年计划期间在少数民族区域自治地区建成投产的第一座现代化大型高炉。40多年来,1号高炉累计 1 Int
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