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目的调查广州北郊并殖吸虫流行分布状况。方法采集调查点山溪中螺蛳1,216只,溪蟹39只,收集当地村庄猫、犬粪便各3份。检查并殖吸虫尾蚴、囊蚴和虫卵。解剖虫卵检查阳性猫、犬,查找并殖吸虫成虫。结果螺蛳感染率为0.32‰(4/1,210)。螺种为放逸短沟蜷。蟹体卫氏并殖吸虫囊蚴感染率为100%(35/35)。感染度:2~1,050个囊蚴/只蟹,2~30.75个囊蚴/g蟹。部分蟹体同时感染二倍体、三倍体两型囊蚴。蟹种为平和华溪蟹。猫、犬粪便各有1份检出并殖吸虫卵,感染率为33.33%(2/6)。解剖虫卵检查阳性猫、犬,检获卫氏并殖吸虫成虫15条。结论首次发现广州北郊从化良口存在严重卫氏并殖吸虫流行,为超高度疫源地(I级)。鉴于卫氏并殖吸虫是我国主要致病并殖吸虫,该疫源地处于从化和广州主要饮用水源的流溪河源头,具有导致流溪河流域人群卫氏并殖吸虫感染的潜在危害,必须引起高度重视。 Objective To investigate the epidemiological distribution of Paragonimus in northern suburb of Guangzhou. Methods A total of 1,216 spirochetes and 39 crested crabs were collected from the investigation site. Three cats and three dogs were collected from local villages. Check and parasitize cercariae, metacercaria and eggs. Anatomy of the egg Check positive cats and dogs, look for paragonimiasis adults. Results snail infection rate was 0.32 ‰ (4 / 1,210). Loose species to escape the short groove curled. Paragonimus westermani metacercaria infection rate was 100% (35/35). Infection: 2 to 1,050 metacercaria / crab, 2 to 30.75 metacercaria / g crab. Some crabs infected with diploid, triploid two types of metacercaria. Crab species for peace Huaxi crab. Cats and canine faeces each have a detection of paragonimiasis eggs, the infection rate was 33.33% (2/6). Anatomy of the eggs check positive cats, dogs, Paragonimus westerman adults were seized 15. Conclusion For the first time, it is found that there is a serious epidemic of Paragonimus westermani in Guhuakou, northern suburb of Guangzhou, which is a high-level foci (Grade I). In view of Paragonimus westermani is the main pathogenic Paragonimus westermani in our country, the source of the disease is located in Conghua and the source of Liuxihe, the main source of drinking water in Guangzhou, which has the potential to cause the infection of Paragonimus westermani in Liuxihe Valley. Must be given high priority.
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本文以韩礼德系统功能语法理论中的人际功能为理论框架来析《红楼梦》的三个片段及其对应的英译本。两个英译本为现存的两个英文全译本,分别是霍克斯主译的The Story of The S