一、唐初的宰相制度 唐初的宰相制度,基本上是沿袭了隋朝的制度,并在此基础上有所创新和发展,始“以三省之长中书令、侍中、尚书令为宰相”,后因唐太宗李世民尝做过尚书令,百官为避讳,“不敢居其职”,“由是仆射为尚书省长官,与侍中、中书令号为宰相”。 唐初的三省制度组织严密,机构齐备,职权分明,三省长官俱为宰相,各自建立机构,职责严明,互为制约,共同辅助皇帝处理全国要政,进行集权统治。这种制度的确立,对维护强大的唐王朝的稳定的政治格局起到了积极的作用。
First, the prime minister in the early prime minister system The prime minister in the early prime minister system basically followed the system of the Sui Dynasty, and on this basis, some innovation and development, beginning with “the governor of the three provinces Zhongshu Ling, paternity, Shangshu order Prime minister ”, because the Tang Taizong Li Shimin tasted Shangshu Ling, Baiguan taboo,“ not dwelling in their posts ”,“ by the servant is shot for the provincial governor, and paternity, Zhongsun order for prime minister. ” At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the three provinces had well-organized systems with well-defined powers and powers. All three governors and governors were prime ministers and established their respective agencies with strict responsibilities and mutual restraint. They jointly assisted the emperor in handling the country’s political power and exercising centralized power and rule. The establishment of this system has played a positive role in safeguarding the stable political pattern of the powerful Tang Dynasty.