
来源 :实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Erinhim
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手术方法:鼻腔表麻后,用棉片填塞鼻腔。术眼常规消毒,伤口处滴1%地卡因。用2%普鲁卡因加肾上腺素进行滑车下、筛前及眶下神经阻滞麻醉。从上泪点注水,轻压鼻翼,即可发现鼻侧断端泪小管处有清水流出,即可找到鼻侧断端。扩张下泪点,用硬膜外麻醉导管(以下简称导管),从泪点径颞侧断端插入鼻则断端泪小管,进入泪囊后向下约插到鼻泪管入口处,做一标记。取出鼻腔内的棉片,从导管注入生理盐水,如果患者感觉鼻腔及咽部有水流入,则证实插管无误。在手术放大镜或显微镜下,将泪小管两断端缝合。逐层缝合伤口,在泪小点外侧皮肤上缝合一针以固定导管。留在外面的导管顺下睑固定在颧部。每日用生理盐水加庆大霉素从导管冲洗泪道。5天后拆刨口缝线。3周后拆导管同定线,拔出导 Surgical methods: nasal table linen, cotton pad stuffed nasal cavity. Eye surgery routine disinfection, wounds at 1% dicamba. With 2% procaine plus epinephrine under the pulley, sieve and infraorbital nerve block anesthesia. Water from the tears on the point, gently press the nose, you can find the nasal stump end of lacrimal duct effusion, you can find the nasal stump. Dilatation of the next tear point, with epidural anesthesia catheter (hereinafter referred to as the catheter), from the temporal punctate end of the tear punctured into the nose is broken end of lacrimal canaliculus, into the lacrimal sac down about inserted into the nasolacrimal duct entrance to do a mark. Remove the nasal cavity of the cotton sheet, from the catheter into the saline, nasal and throat if the patient feels water inflow, then confirm intubation error. In the surgical magnifying glass or microscope, the two ends of the canaliculus stitched suture. Suture the wound layer by layer, suture a needle on the outside of the tear dot to fix the catheter. Stay outside the catheter along the lower eyelid fixed in the zygomatic. Daily saline plus gentamicin flush lacrimal duct from the catheter. 5 days after the demolition shaver suture. Remove the catheter 3 weeks after the alignment, pull out the guide
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我院对一例9岁的先天性青光眼失明患眼行玻璃体腔内放义管巩膜外引流术。术后经三个月随访观察减压效果满意,查阅手边文献国内尚未见报告: 病例报告患儿杨××,男,9岁,住院
我是土生土长的西北人,小时候听过许许多多有关“王胡子”的传奇故事,他和《三国演义》中的赵子龙,《水浒》中的林冲一样,一直是我幼小心目中的英雄形象。 I was a native o